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  1. Annimus

    Shh it's a secret

    You sure you wanna trust your secret with a bunch of drunk pilots? Be my guest. Also, welcome to Test!
  2. Annimus

    Good news everyone!

    Welcome to the best squadron on the verse!
  3. Annimus

    The Like And Get Likes Thread

    Ah shit man, a place to whore yourself for usuless, disgusting internet attention? Well, sign me up!
  4. Annimus

    The truth is now known

    You fuckers won't be laughing when the Roomba revolution starts. Then toasters will join too, "supposed falling" in bathtubs while their owners are there, relaxing after a long day. Shit will hit the fan, I tell you.
  5. Annimus

    Today I learned about Fuel Management.

    Man, with each day SC feels more like an MMO than just a game in alpha. I mean, there is still a fucking long way to go, but things like this is what makes this game so interesting.
  6. Annimus

    I don't often read the SC forums, but this one...

    I LOL'ed so hard on this part. With stuff like this, you see that SC is really comming together, altough there is still a long way to go.
  7. Annimus

    Greetings fellow humans

    Welcome to TEST! Grab a beer, or tea if you prefer, and lets git gud together!
  8. Annimus

    List Your Favorite Space Based Movies/Shows.

    Welp, you can't go wrong with Firefly and Star Wars. Other than that: -Black Matter: It has some flaws, but it is fun to watch in between series. -Star Trek Discovery: Well, I haven't watched every episode of the other Star Treks, but Discovey tries to be different, and I can respect that...
  9. Annimus

    Test Greetings

    Welcome to Test! Pull up a chair and grab a drink!
  10. Annimus

    Well, ain't that a bitch.

    Well, ain't that a bitch.
  11. Annimus

    Hailing all pilots o7

    Thank you all!
  12. Annimus

    Hailing all pilots o7

    Well, we probably met in a pub around the verse while getting wasted.
  13. Annimus

    Hailing all pilots o7

    Oh, you betcha.
  14. Annimus

    Hailing all pilots o7

    Thank you, will do o7
  15. Annimus

    Hailing all pilots o7

    Well, the good ones are somewhat expensive, but I mean they are really good haha
  16. Annimus

    RP Within the 'Verse - Noob friendly guide

    Count me in! In the next few days I'll be wrinting down my character's bio and history, should I post it somewhere?
  17. Annimus

    Hailing all pilots o7

    Done and Dusted
  18. Annimus

    Hailing all pilots o7

    Thank you o7
  19. Annimus

    Hailing all pilots o7

    Hello everyone! Where you from stranger? I'm from Brazil, stranger. What drew you to Star Citizen? SPAAAAAACE. But seriosly, i'ts the most ambitious game to date. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) A bit of everything. I aim to be a freelancer, so if I...
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