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  1. DeepFriedEggs

    Sagittarius A*

    I seen a photo like that a while ago. from 2019, the interesting thing about it is the image is not taken from above. The gravity is so strong the light light is warped into a circle but part of what you see is actually from behind the black hole. You can't see the light passing through the...
  2. DeepFriedEggs

    Fashion is the true endgame.

    You can mine, explore, pirate, and kill but looking good while doing it is what truly separates the exceptional from the chaff.
  3. DeepFriedEggs

    Cyclone pic - the level of detail here...

    Never used that feature but the level of detail is pretty intense. I wound up glitching into the walls of my Avenger and found they have all that detailed with pipes and wires etc. even though you can't see it. That blew me away, even though someone spelled nozzle wrong.
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