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  1. GamerZer0h


    Lemme know on the ones you refuse, @SynnrSavior in discord
  2. GamerZer0h

    Pewbacas buybacks list

    Still got, the STANDALONE SHIP - KRUGER P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI - currently $30 STANDALONE SHIP - ANVIL HAWK LTI - currently $90 ?
  3. GamerZer0h

    Fleet Repository

  4. GamerZer0h

    Hangar Queens and Party Favors, WTS!

    Thanks man, great experience. Will buy MOAR.
  5. GamerZer0h

    Greetings from Texas!

    Welcome to the best squadron. Texas represent!
  6. GamerZer0h

    Give me your Anthem feedback!

    Wonder how many TESTies will be playing, I know I will be.
  7. GamerZer0h

    Give me your Anthem feedback!

    Just played Tyrant Mine... Wow... 10/10 guys, once you get to the actual stand and fight bits
  8. GamerZer0h

    Give me your Anthem feedback!

    - Combat Pretty enjoyable, I haven't played many of this sorta game. I am usually a realistic shooter kinda guy and picky about those. I felt the desire to git guud... usually I just go... well I guess I am playing medic. - Flight mechanics :( Not that good for me, the suit feels pretty...
  9. GamerZer0h

    Anthem VIP demo friend finder thread. (WE NEED more VIP Demo Keys if you preorded you have 3!)

    If you got one spare, I'd love to TEST out Anthem.
  10. GamerZer0h

    Getting started?

    LOL I am not a pro by any means... but a logo made me feel moar pro...
  11. GamerZer0h

    Anthem VIP demo friend finder thread. (WE NEED more VIP Demo Keys if you preorded you have 3!)

    I'd also love to snag one if there are any going spare, not sure how many hours I'll be able to log, but I'd log some :D
  12. GamerZer0h

    Introducing myself

    Welcome to TEST. Did you bring... beer?
  13. GamerZer0h

    Howdy Test

    Howdy Test, I am just a FNG posting to you from the great state of Texas. I will admit... I am following the template here. Star Citizen, to me at least, is a game I have always wanted, a few parts Elite, with some Wing Commander thrown in, and a healthy helping of the Ready Player One Oasis...
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