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  1. Egotistic88

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    I do not think high speed indicates acceleration. The Polaris is the same 155m as the Reclaimer only the Polaris is heavier by a fair margin. 9500 to 17k. I just don't see how it will run circles around it unless the Polaris has a top speed of say 45 m/s without AFB. Plus the Hammerhead really...
  2. Egotistic88

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    I have no idea but I have been thinking on these two ships a lot. One thing that keeps getting brought up by CIG is that the Hammerhead and Polaris are in the same class. Which is just, inane, there is no way these two vessels are in the same class. The Polaris is clearly the superior in terms...
  3. Egotistic88

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    It is SHARP.
  4. Egotistic88

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    Also true. I mean some of this is all speculation anyway till numerous game mechanics get ironed out and aren't just speculative plans. At the moment the Hammerhead's job is escort and protect. So its safe to assume it will excel at escort and protect. If it doesn't it will be a total waste of a...
  5. Egotistic88

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    Everybody calls me Ego lol. And yes I agree completely. To be fair like my last post says its not a clear subject even in real life. Its just to convoluted. In this game they really need to clarify for the sake of game play what they mean with these loose terms they keep using. Hell just say...
  6. Egotistic88

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    This is the definition of a Corvette. The two are actually closer together than people realize. Especially in modern terms. If you want to use the old wooden definition it is even more muddied. I did not mean to say frigate that was a mistake. I meant to say the fighting sloop. In fact its so...
  7. Egotistic88

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    I agree. They will be used together a lot. But I kinda think the Hammerhead will almost always be with a larger capital class ship in almost any major operation. The hammerhead fills the gap in their armor.
  8. Egotistic88

    Hammerhead vs Polaris

    My .02 is the Hammerhead is easier to manage crew wise and size wise. The hammerhead will also probably be in need more often for escort missions as that is its design purpose. Screen large slow moving targets from the fighters and fighter type ships, cutlass and the like. The Polaris is a...
  9. Egotistic88

    Richard getting 4800 viewers on his stream

    Not my proudest fap.
  10. Egotistic88

    What are you guys playing?

    Rainbow Six Siege, Overwatch, Sea of Thieves, WOWS, Star Citizen
  11. Egotistic88


    You keep that RIGHT there. And tell NOBODY else. My Reclaimer has work to do. Anybody who crews up gets a bonus based on valuable components located and stored.
  12. Egotistic88


    I also do not possess the valued space technical. However I am willing to do battle with any of my other ships. I've wondered ever since they announced the crucible and I got one if I could fly trap a ship inside it and cut it up with the pilot on board.
  13. Egotistic88


    I am glad to see everybody is on the same page around these parts about arguing with people online. That's what I look for in real life and in video games. Glad i found the right place.
  14. Egotistic88


    Its a clear substance that causes the same wonderful sensation as beer. Only cleaner. Beer destroys my stomach.
  15. Egotistic88


    I am really bad about talking about myself. My dating app profile just asks if I can have five minuets of your time, it should only take me two to disappoint you. That should work here as well. I drink vodka not beer. I own a lot of ships that require friends to operate. I argue with people on...
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