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  1. Kiku_Sui

    Hey lets have a fleet post eh?

    Longer I play, the more ships jump into my lap.
  2. Kiku_Sui


    Fodder for my warden . 😂 on a side note, looking forward to the warden rework, hopefully itll get a needed buff.
  3. Kiku_Sui


    Well i love it because the inside looks very much like the Nostromo, and Alien is my fav flick. But its completely unusable atm. Cant even do cargo runs with it, bugged to oblivion.
  4. Kiku_Sui


    Good point considering they just edited the roadmap and added salvage to 3.8 lol
  5. Kiku_Sui


    Ah they mustve just done that. It was up and running about an hour ago, all over reddit in the star citizen channel as well.
  6. Kiku_Sui


    Well the roadmap has been updated... while there are some planned interesting features, stil, no, salvage.... guess ill melt my reclaimer to something else. Also, am i in any trouble for never having owned or flown in an aurora?
  7. Kiku_Sui

    Hey all

    Thanks all! This seems like a fun group. Im not worried about being a n00b, gotta start somewhere. Looking forward to playing with you all.
  8. Kiku_Sui

    Predictions for 2019 Concept Sales

    Fighters definently. Hopefully the carrack and 890j. Id love for the Kraken to be done..... not sure if ill melt my cat for the carrack tho.
  9. Kiku_Sui

    Hey all

    So im one of the n00bs apparently. Im from the east coast. What drew me to SC is the massive amount of freedom promised and the ability to play as we want. I look forward to play primarily as a bounty hunter but i also have a reclaimer as i hope to finaallllyyyy be able to do salvage as well...
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