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  1. Iaenic


    Best profession for Oregon Trail is probably the doctor. Lots of starting pay, plus you can mend broken legs on the way! Yes, I finally got pirate legend in Sea Of Thieves! That game is so good, a masterpiece of design though it's frustrating at times. It really mastered multi-crew with the...
  2. Iaenic

    Shit new applicants are saying

    I won't ever be able to afford the Carrack if I'm only selling my own kidneys.
  3. Iaenic


    Where you from stranger? West Coast USA What drew you to Star Citizen? What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Multi-Crew; I have a bunch of friends waiting for the game to develop a bit more, and I'm excited to dive in so I can pitch it when it's ready. That...
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