
  1. sum1

    Anthem: I see the path.

    Destiny: 9-9-2014 releases to mass criticism after finishing the main story there seemed to be a lack of gameplay. 9-15-2015 release of The Taken King. The game fixed and reignited lived another 2 years before being replaced by Destiny 2. Destiny 2: 9-6-2017 released and was soon critiqued...
  2. supitza

    [DRAMA] Are you SURE you want to pre-order that?

    Considering that Anthem is about to come out, I imagine most of us are contemplating pre-ordering it from EA. So here's why I'm cancelling my pre-order while I'm still unarguably and undeniably in my rights: View...
  3. supitza

    Anthem - add friends on Origin

    So the Anthem VIP demo is coming up and I have ZERO friends on Origin (and IRL, for that matter). Friend me up and post your Origin IDs below and let's f̶o̶n̶d̶l̶e̶ play together! My ID is: supitza EDIT by Montoya: Visit the roster on guilded:
  4. DirectorGunner

    Rock out with your :rooster: out

    Rock out with your :chicken: out ... Outlaw style
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