
  1. Wolf Lord Caldersson

    TEST Mead bottle caps

    Mead is bubbling in my closet and it has passed the 24 hours test. In a few weeks it will be transfered to a new carboy and a few weeks more to bottles. What does this mean? Well first it meand I must make this post and ask.... SEUNG STOP THE FUCKING SNOW IT FUCKS UP MY TABLET AND ROAMING...
  2. Harkuno

    [WINNERS ANNOUNCED!] Giveaway!!! Sticker 4: The Raffling

    Here we go again!! Welcome to the fourth round of the Sticker Raffle! Yet again I have 10 stickers to give away, to be chosen by the RNG gods when the raffle closes! As modelled HERE! However, this time there is a difference! As some of you might know, I've been brewing some mead! Three of...
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