
  1. BurntMahSoup

    Coming in hot!

    As if we were back on Earth when Super Sonic Jets were coming in hot and fast for the first time to human technology, BurntMahSoup here is returning to Star Citizen for the first time since buying in to the Kick Starter. Hey everyone! I have only hopped on over the years to test playability and...
  2. Daddy Chungus

    Star Citizen 3.8 Dogfights (Daddy Chungus)

    Just a couple :)
  3. Zazooku

    Original Packages - Helping each other

    Hi All, On the anniversary sale in November I finally met my target for my dream line up for cargo hauling (Titan, Max and Hull C). The only thing that has left for me to achieve is Concierge status J. Due to financial commitments I will not be able to afford much more and I want to do...
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