A Dark Echo [Part 3]


Space Marshal
Jan 13, 2016
RSI Handle
A Dark Echo

By: GeneticPredator

Part 3

As we broke formation, the two Gladius fighters launched from the carrier and joined us towards our target coordinates. We plotted the coordinates provided and gave our ships' engines full power.

According to me this was in the middle of nowhere, this was dangerous space. Who was out here ? Who where the attackers ? All we knew was that two ships where under attack by someone... I knew it would be hard if it was capital ships, my Redeemer could not carry a whole crew and passengers of a 890 Jump or an Idris... Or if we would be brutally outnumbered... We were only three ships in this rescue operation, and my ship was the only one that could take passengers... I guessed we would soon find out.

After about eighteen minutes and a lot of thinking over possible scenarios we arrived at the designated coordinates.

Everything was quiet! Nothing! Not a single piece of metal. Only a thick fog. We started scanning the area, but found nothing. Were these the wrong coordinates ?

"Mitch, double check the coordinates. Are we in the wrong place?"

Mitch replied. "No, this is it. We're in the right place, but the sensors are acting a bit strange."

"Damn it!" Ships didn't just disappear, there were always signs of combat or traces in space. Were we to late? Suddenly Mitch screamed.

"Planet: ten o'clock!"

We slowly started to make way towards the new mysterious planet. As we got closer our scanners started jumping and acting as if a computer virus was in the system.

"I'm on it!" Mitch yelled.

I called out to the fighters, "Echo 7, Echo 9 we are having problems with our scanners, how are things on your end?"

They both replied scanners were totally out. We were flying blind!

As we slowly started our way towards the dark grey planet with only our eyes to navigate I heard Mitch mumbling on the intercom that someone was trying to jam our signals. Suddenly, we started seeing small pieces of metal hovering in front of us. Could this be ship debris? The closer we got to the mystic planet bigger and bigger pieces started emerge. Looking to my right I thought I saw something I recognized. Was that an aurora engine? Or at least half of one?

I ordered everyone to halt.

As we all came to a complete stop we all looked around.

Echo 9: "Holy shit there's half an escape pod here!"

Mitch called me on the intercom to tell me he was running his anti-jamming programs and that he had almost fixed it. Mitch: "There I got it... No wait, damn... There it should work now at least a while."

"Good!" I said.

Sensors quickly picked up lots of engine trails and lots of debris all around us. The space around us looked like a thick fog, with pieces of metal floating around everywhere.

Mitch said, "Look ahead there's two more planets there; one looks like a moon."

The newly found planets looked almost like Earth and its moon, but this was way bigger. The moon looked like a grey dead ball and the planet had a red brown-ish colour.

This was a very dark place, covered with some sort of space fog and ship debris. Somewhere out here the attackers where hiding. Was it pirates? The Vanduul? Or something new we had never seen before?

I heard on the intercom Thomas repeating, "Oh god, oh god!"

To be continued...
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