A Dark Echo [Part 8]


Space Marshal
Jan 13, 2016
RSI Handle
A Dark Echo

Part 8

By GeneticPredator

As I started evasive maneuvers, diving down and rolling left, Mitch started making his way towards his turret. He did not get far though...

As I started twisting and dropping the escape pod that Thomas had brought in came loose, and started slamming around in the SAR bay.

Thomas had forgotten to secure the pod.

I heard on the intercom Mitch yelling, "Shit!" And then a large smashing sound.

I heard someone exhaling and then silence...

"What the hell is going on back there!? Mitch!?"

I heard Thomas scream something, but there was too much noise to make out what he yelled. I had to focus on the flying! All systems were screaming, "Warning, Lock on"

Pushing the ship to its limits with evasive maneuvers, I heard the escape pod slamming around in the SAR bay. More projectiles hit the ship, this time on the roof, breaking the top turrets right gun. And more hits slamming in the rear of the ship.

Suddenly, I felt a big punch in the rear of the ship. One missile or rocket had hit one of the cylinders that keeps the cargo door shut. The cargo door now started to break loose.

I saw all displays light up red, and the ship computer announcing ,"Warning! Hull breach!"

On one of my touch screens the command to lock down the ship appeared.

I felt a strong wind trying to pull me backwards, and a loud screaming sound of all the oxygen getting sucked out of the ship. Everything that was loose in the ship started getting sucked towards the back of the ship.

I hit the button without thinking twice!

Like in some kind of slow motion I saw my bobble head companion named Bob, get torn away from my cockpit dashboard and passing my helmet by inches, finally hitting the wall behind me and breaking into several pieces.

All security doors slammed shut, and now the cargo door couldn't handle more of the enormous tearing forces, and broke loose, spinning violently out in to space.

I heard Thomas screaming: "Noooooo!"

Then there was static...... and then silence...

The computer announced that the ship was secure, but that it had trouble repressurizing the cargo bay and that oxygen levels where dangerously low in there.

What the hell just happened? Did we lose Thomas? Where is Mitch?

Mira kept firing at will.

I made a hard loop trying to evade everything the Vanduul where throwing at us. I heard the slamming sound of bullets hitting the bottom of the ship. Spinning, rolling, diving: no matter what I did we where taking hits all over the ship.

This was not going to end well! they where just too many!

We were surrounded by so many ships that the computer was having a hard time keeping track of everyone. I managed to get a short lock on two Vanduul fighters, I fired everything I could.

Seconds later a big explosion on the top of the ship occurred. Yet again, the computer started yelling at me...

"Warning! Shield generator damaged! System Failure!"

"Shut up you piece of shit!" I replied.

Mira yelled - "Guns dry...Guns dry... I'm all out..."



The ship was knocked in to a violent spin! without any chance of recovery.

"Warning! Main engine, right side, failure!"

"Warning! Main systems failing! Evacuate ship!"

A missile had blown off the right engine... the ship was spinning out of control, faster and faster. The computer screens were flickering, everything was spinning, I could not make out what was up or down, left or right.

This was it...

This was the end...

I started feeling really bad, as the blood in my body started to rush up towards my head. I started seeing flashing lights everywhere... I saw pictures of my son and my brother... I suddenly felt calm.

And everything went dark...

To be continued...
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