A TESTie Drinking Song

Serious Table

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Ladies and Gentlemen of TEST Squadron, it's come to my attention that I've been a part of TEST for one year as of yesterday (or around that time, I can't remember)! I've never met such a fine collection of folks on the internet, nor one I was so eager and excited to represent, so I wanted to thank you all personally for being such a fantastic corporation.

Unfortunately, there are entirely too many of you to feasibly do that.

In order to celebrate, I wrote a parody of one of my favorite drinking songs! Now, full disclosure here; I've been part of TEST for a year, but I don't know many of you half as well as I should. So, I took some popular names from TEST that I recognized and did my best to write them into the song. If we're being perfectly honest, ANY ONE OF YOU TEST SQUADMATES COULD FIT INTO THIS SONG. Really and truly, you're all amazing. So take your favorite TESTie names and substitute your own; make it a personalized song!

And in advance, I apologize for my appalling lack of creativity. It is an affront to the fantastic artists, writers, designers, and all other things TEST. But it is what I could do!

So, without further ado, A TESTie Drinking song!

( Sung to the tune of Another Irish Drinking Song by Da Vinci's Notebook -

Gather 'round ye lads and lasses, take a seat and laugh,
and harken to me joyful tale about the Gold and Black.
Let's all raise our glasses high to friends and family gone,
and lift our voices in our favorite TESTie drinkin' song.

The Crashing took me Hornet and me ‘Lancer’s in a box,
a Carrack blasted into dust, the Mustang labeled “Vox”.
Our balded leader, with Auroras, met all their demise,
me Cutlass has forever closed her smilin' TESTie eyes.

Now everybody's crashed, so until our games are patched,
we'll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we'll drink some more.
We'll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin' light,
then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then we’ll login once again.

Chrizz crashed into Dalarast and SlumLord’s crash was fair,
Black Sunder had respawned when he ran out of his air.
VapsyVox fell in the comm link tower back in June,
Myre crashed into a Mire and Egriz crashed the moon.

"Theorycraft is godliness," the Nkato would sing,
he crashed his ship while crafting what we’d do in the next spring,
Mromutt with some eighty proof, his ship was spooling up,
he crashed into a Connie when he got his Vanguard up (OI!).

Now everybody's crashed, so until our games are patched,
we'll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we'll drink some more.
We'll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin' light,
then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then we’ll login once again.

<Hockey fight tune>

Sir JoeCool tried to race Shive near the cliffs of Terra III,
Shive took out his m50 and he stabbed him with the wing.
Crazy Aunty Stars thought she could take Shive on,
but in fact she flew a Hornet, and now her wings and engine’s gone.

When Captain Richard broke his ship it was a cryin' shame,
he wasn't really that drunk, but he crashed it just the same.
RussianJ, he E-V-A’d and by a Scythe was hit,
but it was all for propoganda, so we applauded him for it.(OCH!).

Now everybody's crashed, so until our games are patched,
we'll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we'll drink some more.
We'll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin' light,
then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then we’ll login once again.

Our drunken UltraGuido tried to fly home from the bar,
the pad rose up to meet him when he crashed his ‘Tali hard.
Irony was what befell our great man SeungRyul,
He ran into the last Aurora in the PTU.

AntiSqueaker lived in Nyx, he used to smuggle arms,
until the Advo’s caught him and cut off his credit farms.
And dear old GrammarGestapo who left grammar’s employ,
drank up all of TEST Squad’s wine and crashed our Bengal, boys (HEY!).

Now everybody's crashed, so until our games are patched,
we'll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we'll drink some more.
We'll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin' light,
then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then we’ll login once again

Someday soon I'll leave this world of pain and toil and sin,
Montoya will take me by the hand to join all of me kin.
Me only wish is when Chris Roberts comes for me and you...

Now everybody's crashed, so until our games are patched,
we'll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we'll drink some more.
We'll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin' light,
then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then we’ll login once again,
then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go patching once again,
then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin' once again.
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