The ship comes with a Rover (not the ursa but one designed specifically for the carrack) and a snub ship (we know it's called the Pieces ((prob spelled wrong)) but have no idea what it looks like or will do. They have said it has a specific role that we will love but they have yet to reveal that to us), has a medical bay, repair bay, holotable, crew quarters, probes, cargo boxes that attach to the bottom, and is defensively focused. It has 4 turrets with just enough firepower to write home about but that is all and should boast a very strong tank. It is the same size they are making the new Corvette (the polaris) but a little smaller than a Orion mining ship. The ship's overall design is focused on exploration and defence with utility being a likely secondary area. The ship has a history of military service and the ones we will be getting are striped down military surplus versions. It also comes with a on board computer specifically set up to number crunch for jump point locations and mapping.
If you have and love the terrapin then the carrack is the terrapin's big brother. Also it is much the same as the Aquila tho supposedly much more capable albeit in a larger more expensive package.