Checking in


Dec 18, 2013
RSI Handle
Hey everybody, just checking in. I've not been very active on the reddit/subreddit since applying due to finishing school and whatnot. That's all behind me now so I thought I'd drop in here and introduce myself. I'm from Phoenix presently, but that might change in the near future as I look for work. I've been a PC snob since the mid 90's when I'd beg and plead with my parents to upgrade our system to run Wing Commander. The closest use I have for a console is my PS3 which is the loveliest Blu-Ray/Netflix/Amazon Instant Video player you've ever seen. I've been a space sim fanatic from childhood and have missed seeing them available for some time. I've said to friends and associates over the past several years it would be amazing if somebody made a Triple A, Battlestar Galactica flight sim in the vein of Wing Commander. Imagine my surprise when just over a year ago I found out about Star Citizen. I had to wait till the start of this year to get some cash together to fully pledge, but over the course of this year CIG has robbed me of way more than I ever thought I would pledge.

Star Citizen itself looks amazing, and I'm looking forward to doing everything. I can't really pick a pillar that interests me more than any other. I have a ship for every occasion and at least starting off, I hope to give them all equal time. I think the first game I remember playing was Duck Hunt with my dad when I was maybe four or five. I played the heck out of our old 8 Bit Nintendo. First PC game I remember playing was Myst. Currently I'm playing BF4 and looking forward to some of the DLC for AC4 Black Flag. In the semi near future I'm planning on playing Wildstar with my guild.

Lastly, Picard, because the line must be drawn here.
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