Cross-chassis upgrades


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
TL;DR: Genius.

CIG is going to avoid a lot ( A LOT) of peeved players who have X ship with LTI but had Y ship been available when they pledged, they would have bought a Y pledge, and how can they get LTI on their Y?

For example, I pledged during the kickstarter, got me an aurora package and then forgot about the game for like a year. When I came bakc, there were tons of new ships, *variants*, and the LTI thing was long since over. I was a little mad that I could no longer get LTI on Bubbles (my avenger) or Zeke (My 325A). However, with these fancy new upgrades, I can get rid of my LX and put the LTI on a shiny new ship that I'm going to enjoy much more.the only real question is do I wait and cash in both for something like the NGSS gunships, or other larger ships, which is what I see myself flying later in the PU, or do I just suck it up and buy a big boat outright and keep the ships I have?

I know a lot of TEST members have exceptionally large individual stables of ships, but I don't, and I'm not sure I actually WANT a ton of ships laying about in my hangar.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
My thinking is this:

Get the ship that will make you the most money in the shortest amount of time.

If you have $300 worth of Hornets, melt them or sell them, wait for the cross chassis Aurora to Constellation LTI option to arrive.

Its going to be fairly easy to get into an Aurora, 300 or Hornet in the game. A few cargo runs with your constellation will make you enough money to buy those.

Even better, the Banu Merchant Man or what ever big cargo hauler comes out.

Rather have one big ship that can generate money than 5 small ships that you will be able to afford very easily.


Grand Admiral
May 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I burned my LTI for non-LTI's. I really don't care and I don't see it as a big deal since I will have Robinson's Inter-Galactic Porn & Taco Emporium to roll in the big bucks to pay for insurance.


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
My thinking is this:

Get the ship that will make you the most money in the shortest amount of time.

If you have $300 worth of Hornets, melt them or sell them, wait for the cross chassis Aurora to Constellation LTI option to arrive.

Its going to be fairly easy to get into an Aurora, 300 or Hornet in the game. A few cargo runs with your constellation will make you enough money to buy those.

Even better, the Banu Merchant Man or what ever big cargo hauler comes out.

Rather have one big ship that can generate money than 5 small ships that you will be able to afford very easily.
That's precisely why I was thinking about trading in my single seaters for something like a gunship, iot's just a shame that they aren't available in store yet.


Jun 7, 2014
RSI Handle
the only real question is do I wait and cash in both for something like the NGSS gunships, or other larger ships, which is what I see myself flying later in the PU, or do I just suck it up and buy a big boat outright and keep the ships I have?

I know a lot of TEST members have exceptionally large individual stables of ships, but I don't, and I'm not sure I actually WANT a ton of ships laying about in my hangar.
Same thinking here. I upgraded to 315p because I want to play a sort of pathfinder role in helping the community map out the universe. In the end I want to be flying something like a Freelancer DUR, but I think it would be smarter to just stick with my decent starter ship and earn money in-game.

Not that I don't want a Freelancer right now, but IMO it's not worth paying over 100 real bucks for a ship upgrade, really more of a donation to the project budget and I've already done enough of that.


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I ended up melting my 325 and avenger, then snagging an LX>300i upgrade and a cutlass, and I regret nothing.
I'm gonna melt the cutlass once the avenger becomes playable, and decide if I like the avenger or the 300i more, and then pick one and the cutlass as my starting ships.
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