Does anybody else hate the mouse config?


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
well as the titel already says i hate it and here are 3 my resons why:

1. it doesn't atomaticaly go back to the center(as in other games like BF3 and yes can turn quite fast)
2. one second it does not react and the other second it quite the oposite and overreacts(pulling way to strong sideways)
3. if its gimbal locked its always turning some direction except you kan put it back dead center....(how often do you have the time to do such a thing while in a dogfight?)

do you guys have similair problems? or is it just me? can you configure it that this stupid sh*** does work like in bf3? or do i have to live with it?

PS: i know i rant alot about this. but it totaly and uterly ruins dogfighting an real racing for me :(


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
1: There's a good reason for that; if that was how it worked, you'd have to keep moving the mouse to the side to turn. That might work on a gamepad, but you give yourself a disadvantage in dogfighting because that would deaden your sensitivity. The flying in BF3 is not meant for precision of any kind, it's meant to get you in the general area of the enemy so your gunner can shoot them. SC is much more of a sim, so flying in SC is like actually flying a starship.
2: That sounds like overcompensating on your part, try not to move your mouse so much. Use small movements when you have your sensitivity high. Trust me, high sensitivity helps you react better to pursuers.
3: You don't have to have the weapons dead center to fire, use the little boxes on your HUD to line up your shot with the enemy.

Also, you could get a headtrack setup, that may help with target tracking.


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
well dogfight in BF3 is still a thing and you can't get more precise in the game than with a mouse(except using joystic...)
(jet and the smal helikopter have no or no notable second guy weapons). pardon my ignorance but i see no particular difference than the lack of gravity.

actualy no im not overcompensating. i'm refering here to the zone where there is no to litle reaction in the center. and its not like i can't hit the oponent its more like i have to controle the mouse (holding it and constantly moving it back and forth) so much that after a while my hand starts to cramp. well who whants to continue paying with a hand that hurts :(

i think my 3rd explanation was kinda hard to understand or off XD if i use that lock my weapons fire at the point in the center (instead of where my mouse points). i still use the litle boxes it just that the sensitivity of the mouse (the direction the craft turns to) is oversensitive.

Hard to translate what exactly i want to say since i rarely use english nowadays :(

i was thinking about buying a headtreacker but have no money to spend atm... so for now it will stay a dream :O

i still love the game and will continue playing and suporting it but its just my opinion and i wanted to get feedback if its only a problem for me :)
and if so think about buying a joystic i guess XD


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
well dogfight in BF3 is still a thing and you can't get more precise in the game than with a mouse(except using joystic...)
(jet and the smal helikopter have no or no notable second guy weapons). pardon my ignorance but i see no particular difference than the lack of gravity.

actualy no im not overcompensating. i'm refering here to the zone where there is no to litle reaction in the center. and its not like i can't hit the oponent its more like i have to controle the mouse (holding it and constantly moving it back and forth) so much that after a while my hand starts to cramp. well who whants to continue paying with a hand that hurts :(

i think my 3rd explanation was kinda hard to understand or off XD if i use that lock my weapons fire at the point in the center (instead of where my mouse points). i still use the litle boxes it just that the sensitivity of the mouse (the direction the craft turns to) is oversensitive.

Hard to translate what exactly i want to say since i rarely use english nowadays :(

i was thinking about buying a headtreacker but have no money to spend atm... so for now it will stay a dream :O

i still love the game and will continue playing and suporting it but its just my opinion and i wanted to get feedback if its only a problem for me :)
and if so think about buying a joystic i guess XD
The deadzone in the middle with a mouse is to allow you to actually aim your gimballed weapons. If you find yourself moving the mouse too far, decrease the sensitivity. Really, there's no ideal sensitivity, it's personal preference.

If you do buy a joystick, make sure it's a HOTAS with at least some twist for roll. BTW, if you're looking for BF3 style controls in SC, don't. SC is a sim, BF3 is not.
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