Finally bought this overpriced piece of plastic


Nov 13, 2014
RSI Handle
No i did not buy an other Aurora, those are worth every penny.

I got mheself a brand new (second hand) Track IR.
I've closed all the tabs with my homemade femdom dwarf footage and took a picture to brag a little.
Has anyone figured out a way to control the camera in SC without moving targeting reticle?



Space Marshal
Mar 17, 2015
RSI Handle
I've seen Baron and a few others use one of these and it seems interesting. I think one of the YouTube guys did a review and setup on it. Maybe Bored Gamer or Captain Shack. Baron in Elite seems to have it set to not mess with targeting not sure about SC. That's how I'd like to use it at least, not as an extra cursor. Let us know how you like it. I wonder if there's a gaming bar near me that has one for use or demo.


Stream Meister
Staff member
Sep 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I found it tough to use in Star Citizen with a keyboard and mouse. It's like I couldn't get my brain to register the extra game control using my head and felt like I was mentally fighting with the TrackIR.

I'll be trying it out in Elite: Dangerous soon as the flight and game play are much slower paced.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I found it tough to use in Star Citizen with a keyboard and mouse. It's like I couldn't get my brain to register the extra game control using my head and felt like I was mentally fighting with the TrackIR.

I'll be trying it out in Elite: Dangerous soon as the flight and game play are much slower paced.
I recently tried my TrackIR 5 out in ED, and it works well; considering that the TrackIR isn't linked to the gimbaled weapons, that's a godsend considering that the game runs on its own code for the gimbaled weapons. :p


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
TrackIR only works with gun control right? I don't think it has been properly implemented yet. Definetely on my "to buy" list if the HTC Vive or Oculus rift end up being crap and placing too much strain on my rig.


Vice Admiral
May 8, 2014
RSI Handle
TrackIR only works with gun control right? I don't think it has been properly implemented yet. Definetely on my "to buy" list if the HTC Vive or Oculus rift end up being crap and placing too much strain on my rig.
No, you can unlink your guns from your view in ArCom and just look around with the trackIR while keeping your guts locked forward. It has not been properly implemented yet though, and you can move the camera outside the ship or in strange directions and the helmet doesn't move with it so you can sometimes see your helmet when the camera clips through it.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2015
RSI Handle
For TrackIR in Star Citizen I had some problems, so I'm sharing here in case it works for you. Individual preferences may vary, but this is what "I" liked.

First off, I updated the software to make sure it recognized Star Citizen.
Then I modified the "Motion Control"; I started with speed = 1 and smooth = 1, and adjust as needed to get desired responsiveness without being "jittery".
After that, I DISABLED (unchecked) Roll, X, Y, and Z. Only Yaw and Pitch are selected.
I then assigned the remaining two axes with One:One input template, and adjusted as needed to keep the cursor close to the center of the screen while not getting crazy out of control at the edges. I started small, and made tiny adjustments until I found a good balance; I aimed for being able to look behind my ship if my head was turned 30 degrees to the side.

You should be able to test adjustments live, in-game, if Alt-tab works on your system. After that, I found that sometimes the software would go back to default settings when starting Star Citizen, so I changed the Star Citizen setting under the title tab in the TrackIR config. Hope this helps.


Nov 13, 2014
RSI Handle
For TrackIR in Star Citizen I had some problems, so I'm sharing here in case it works for you. Individual preferences may vary, but this is what "I" liked.

First off, I updated the software to make sure it recognized Star Citizen.
Then I modified the "Motion Control"; I started with speed = 1 and smooth = 1, and adjust as needed to get desired responsiveness without being "jittery".
After that, I DISABLED (unchecked) Roll, X, Y, and Z. Only Yaw and Pitch are selected.
I then assigned the remaining two axes with One:One input template, and adjusted as needed to keep the cursor close to the center of the screen while not getting crazy out of control at the edges. I started small, and made tiny adjustments until I found a good balance; I aimed for being able to look behind my ship if my head was turned 30 degrees to the side.

You should be able to test adjustments live, in-game, if Alt-tab works on your system. After that, I found that sometimes the software would go back to default settings when starting Star Citizen, so I changed the Star Citizen setting under the title tab in the TrackIR config. Hope this helps.
Tnx for the info! Disabling roll,x,y,z and removing movement acceleration rlly does help a lot.
Could you maybe share your profile?
I am not entirely sure what you mean by adjusting TrakcIR config.
Is there a way to detach view from gimbal reticle


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Keep us informed on how its going for you!

Im not completely sold on it, but I am leaning that way.


Nov 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Keep us informed on how its going for you!

Im not completely sold on it, but I am leaning that way.
I was on the fence about getting one for over a year. But someone offered this one for a good price and once i settled with the idea that i will only use it to look around, i jump in it

Ive also used FaceTrackNoIr to test the waters, but that is like joining XPlor, too much work for poor results.

So far, ive used it for about 30 min in SC, and i must say, i am really glad that i have one. It completely changes the feel of the ship. Like when going from mouse to a joystick, its a completely different experience. Im not entirely sure if it will be a major advantage in a dogfight, but you do feel like a horse that was just released from its blinders (once i was a horse too, so i am really speaking from experience here) The ship also feels more complete, real.

Its not all sunshine and rainbows though, lower smoothing and its too jittery. Increase it too much and it gets drifty with a slight feeling of motion sickness, which is also straining on the eyes. Sometimes the sensor goes out of range (when looking down for example), and the camera goes bananaz. Setting up does take some extra effort.

At first, i didn't expect head movement to feel natural, as our eyes do most of the work when focusing on out of bounds object. But strangely, when i turn my head to the left, my eyes instantly focus on the edge of the screen from the same side, creating weirdly believable illusion that i am actually looking out of the window wide left. Crazy sh1t.

I am still setting it up, but slowly leaning towards "must have".
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Nov 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Damn you! Now there is one more piece of junk I need to buy.
Ye, well, its not a coincidence that this small piece of expensive junk has black housing. Last few words from my ex girlfriend were: "Once you go black you ..." I never truly understood what she meant until i tried Track IR

Ive recorded a short vid (you get some sense of how well it works towards the end). The difference though is that when watching, your eyes are forced to follow the camera, but when playing, the camera is following whatever you want to look at. There are some jerking movements in the vid, but its rlly how the head moves naturally. The important part is that it really does what you want it to do.

In my experience it takes the best element of Oculus and drops all the disorienting motion sickness bits
Even if you don't look around much, when its not there, there is definitively something missing

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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Welp, I've got another thing to save up for then.


Nov 13, 2014
RSI Handle
What about shooting targets with it? does it have enough accuracy?
Easier to aim than turning your ship with thrusters using a joystick but less accurate than a mouse, sure.
If you set the range of your gimbals to max 15-20 degrees, get a Pro Clip, it will work very well.
However, i feel like getting all these accessories is all about creating best possible experience.
If you are going to aim with TrackIr, you will not have best possible experience, nor the most competetive setup.
TrackIR is best used to create a feeling of presence, not to compete with a mouse
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