Friendly reminder that warbond CCUs are a thing


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
TL;DR: It's Valkyrie today. (20th)
EDIT: Terrapin today (21st)
EDIT2: Vanguard Sentinel (22nd)
EDIT3: Retaliator Bomber (23rd)
EDIT4: Taurus and Scorpius (24th)
EDIT5: 325A (25th)
EDIT6: C2 Hercules (26th)
EDIT7: Starfarer Gemini (27th)

EDIT8: Vulture (28th)
EDIT9: Herald (29th)

Table courtesy of @Brictoria

More in-depth version here!
DateShipWarbond CCU PriceNormal price
22ndVanguard Sentinel275
23rdRetaliator Bomber275
24thConstellation Taurus180190
24thScorpius (Release)220240
26thC2 Hercules370400
27thStarfarer Gemini320340
28thMule (Release)(No warbond CCU, Standalone LTI WB $40)45


Long version:

Alright, so it's the first day of Invictus, and the first warbond CCU of the event is out. All the veteran wallet warriors probably know how that deal works already, but since the glorious expansion of our Aurora fleet has not ceased this year either, I'll explain it briefly.

So, as even our new members might already know, a Warbond price is a fresh-money discount. Usually, you have to buy a whole ship at once to get it, and the discount is usually just like $10-$20. So if you were to buy a $120 ship with a warbond discount, it'd likely be $110 or $100. So you'd need to drop a hundred dollars of fresh money to get that $10-20 discount. But with warbond CCUs, you can get that same $10-20 discount, but with only $5-$10 fresh money. Then the rest can be store credit or even just a plan to buy the missing part of the CCU chain at a later date (though in that case you're obviously not going to be flying the ship).

So, a more concrete example, today we have Valkyrie on offer. Now, I've not yet checked how much the discount is, so I'll talk you, dear reader, through the process of figuring that out.
1. Go to
2. On the "From" side, change the radiobutton selection to "All ships"
3. I like to pick Aurora ES, since it's the cheapest, I'll see all the current offers. Once you select Aurora ES, you'll get a list of currently possible CCUs from Aurora ES on the right.
4. You can easily find warbond CCUs by just scrolling through the list until you see a text "2 options available," like it says on Valkyrie at the moment.
5. Select Valkyrie.
6. Select "Warbond Edition"
7. Now, you don't want to buy an Aurora ES to Valkyrie CCU. That'd be a bit pointless. I mean, you might as well buy a whole Valkyrie at that point. But you can click the X on the Aurora ES to remove it. This changes the list on the left so, that it now ends at the last ship you can CCU from. So just scroll all the way down.
8. The last one is Starfarer Gemini, and upon selecting it, the price gets updated to $10 (+ tax.) So with quick mental math, we're buying a $35 CCU from Gemini to Valkyrie for $10, saving $25.

So, why do you want to do it like this, and not just buy the standalone Valkyrie and save $25 anyhow? Well, there will be more warbond CCUs coming every other day during Invictus, so if you were to get, say, a Warbond CCU to redeemer later, you can then buy the missing CCU from Redeemer to Gemini and combine those two warbond CCU discounts for more savings greater than just that $25 you can currently get.
And maybe you don't want a Valkyrie, that's alright, maybe you actually want a Redeemer. Then you just need to wait for redeemer to come back on sale (since Invictus is more Military orientated, you might need to wait for IAE in the winter) and you can get a CCU from Valkyrie to Redeemer.

Couple things to note:
1. If you apply your CCUs and later melt the whole thing, you only get the pledge you started your CCU chain from in your buybacks, you don't get the CCUs in your buybacks, those are gone. So if you're trying to get something like a -75% discount chain, that's gonna take a good long while and that money is tied to the CCUs you can't apply on the interim. If you just want some nice -25% to maybe at most -50% discount, that you might manage to get that during a single event. Depends on luck and the target ship. But if you're going for reclaimer, for example, well it doesn't have its functionality in game anyhow, so you're not really losing anything. And if you got even loftier targets, like BMM, well, that's not even flyable yet.
2. I said couple... I'm sure I had a second one. I just started thinking of BMM and got sidetracked. Ah well.
Okey, screw the numbering, I'm going to crash this thread like an Aurora.
So if you melt an applied CCU chain, you're going to get the amount you paid back as store credits, you're not losing money. Though you're not getting the tax back, so it might seem like it's less, but since you don't pay tax on store credit purchase (or the store credit portion of a mixed purchase), it's +/- 0. As it should be.

So, what's the end goal here? However much you want to optimize. I've managed to cultivate chains like
Aurora LN (Game package) -> Avenger -> 315p -> Nomad -> Hull B (melt value $90 at that point, it's where that CCU chain is currently applied at) -> Razor (+$5) -> Taurus (+$5, that is $40 discount as the ship went up in price) -> Hurricane (+$5) -> Corsair (+$5, warbond $15 discount) -> Santokyai (+$5) -> Mercury (+$5, $35 discount from warbond and concept to flyable) -> Harbinger (+$10, $20 warbond discount) -> Caterpillar (+$5, $35 pre-announced price bump discount) -> Gemini (+$10) -> Banu Merchantman (+$10, $200 'I waited for so long for this' discount)

So in the end, the BMM will have melt value of $155. Not bad for a $550 (currently) ship. Honestly, I've kinda enjoyed cultivating that CCU chain, it's a bit like growing a Bonsai. Takes years, and every year it is a bit more how you like it. Well, that's not for everyone. But I hope this helps you maybe grab a 25-50% discount during this Invictus. A weeks worth of patience, that's doable for anyone, right?

Oh, how should you spend the money you save? Buy another ship, of course. I'm not doing this to back less, I'm doing this to get more :like:
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
lol, the only CCU chain I actually completed was for my BMM, and I have no idea how to repeat it. What I know is it took 3 years, but I got the BMM for a song compared with retail.
Now I do play the CCU chain game often, but I keep getting distracted by new ships and changing my ... LOOK! SHINY! You see that? always my problem.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
So, then if someone has a $250 originally priced redeemer or CCU'd to one for there abouts, and wanted to prep to CCU to something larger down the road, this would be a good middle step option to save $50 on a CCU step up from the Valkyrie:


Dec 14, 2021
RSI Handle
I'm pretty green so take this with some hefty salt, but here looks to be the ships sold last year. I don't know f that is indicative of what will be on sale this year, but perhaps it can help with planning guessing.


Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I use "315p to CNOU Nomad Warbond Edition " CCU's. Have my fleet planned out, so when something comes up I can CCU from a 315P to a Nomad to the "new ship", and it has LTI. If people are going to buy CCU tokens, always pick a ship that will never be removed from the pledge store.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Update: Today the ship is terrapin. Pretty useful for most CCU chains even if you're not going for those $400+ ships.

I use "315p to CNOU Nomad Warbond Edition " CCU's. Have my fleet planned out, so when something comes up I can CCU from a 315P to a Nomad to the "new ship", and it has LTI. If people are going to buy CCU tokens, always pick a ship that will never be removed from the pledge store.
Yeah, I had a couple of those as well. Exceedingly handy. Shame I didn't have the foresight to get more, though I already got 4 ships with LTI and 1-2 spares, so in the end I might be fine.

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Update: Today the ship is terrapin. Pretty useful for most CCU chains even if you're not going for those $400+ ships.

Yeah, I had a couple of those as well. Exceedingly handy. Shame I didn't have the foresight to get more, though I already got 4 ships with LTI and 1-2 spares, so in the end I might be fine.
Handy until there's something cheaper! haha I picked up the C8X Pisces...what a handy little ship..seating for three and enough room for some cargo. I'm thinking a pilot and a medic with room for quick battlefield CASEVAC stretcher case, while bringing some ammo in. (Trade get ammo...we get wounded guildie).


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Handy until there's something cheaper! haha I picked up the C8X Pisces...what a handy little ship..seating for three and enough room for some cargo. I'm thinking a pilot and a medic with room for quick battlefield CASEVAC stretcher case, while bringing some ammo in. (Trade get ammo...we get wounded guildie).
Did you pick up the stand-alone ship, or the one in the starter pack with added skin for the same price? (I'm planning to "refer" myself the starter pack towards the end of the event, should my funds hold out - had there been a referral bonus, I'd have done so already).

I've given one a test run, and it seems like a nice little ship for bunker missions - Tractor beam in bodies and\or 1\2SCU containers of loot, and can be landed right at the door to bunker as well.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Did you pick up the stand-alone ship, or the one in the starter pack with added skin for the same price? (I'm planning to "refer" myself the starter pack towards the end of the event, should my funds hold out - had there been a referral bonus, I'd have done so already).

I've given one a test run, and it seems like a nice little ship for bunker missions - Tractor beam in bodies and\or 1\2SCU containers of loot, and can be landed right at the door to bunker as well.
You'll find the C8X comes in handy when trying to get out of a gravity well too, and it can take 2 passengers as long as they aren't looking for comfort and don't mind looking at each other.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
You'll find the C8X comes in handy when trying to get out of a gravity well too, and it can take 2 passengers as long as they aren't looking for comfort and don't mind looking at each other.
I did notice the loaner C8x in my hangar seemed to accelerate off Crusader quicker than I expected when I tried it yesterday (although at the time my only comparison was visiting there in a RAFT months ago, so didn't feel I had anything for use as a valid comparrison), but trying the same with a Valkyrie today (using a loaner to see how they work witha ROC), the C8x's ability in this area was certainly noticable...

It certainly seems to be a good ship (with quick claim time) to use if forced to visit Crusader again in the future.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
UPDATE: Vanguard Sentinel on offer today.

You'll find the C8X comes in handy when trying to get out of a gravity well too, and it can take 2 passengers as long as they aren't looking for comfort and don't mind looking at each other.
Yeah, I honestly really like Pisces. It's no nonsense - as small as possible and can do quite a lot.


Mar 27, 2022
RSI Handle
@FZD Great topic. I need some guidance and help. I am very new and have an avenger titan. A little knowledge and feel that I should get a lifetime insurance ship as a basis and then build towards another long term. I am not sure what will be the final ship I shoot for. I like doing bounties and starting to do some mining/cargo. Hence I was thinking about getting to cutlass black as the next ship. Hence can you please advise how can I take advantage of this event and what would you recommend for the long term? I saw videos and recommendations for the future were 600i and/or Andromeda. I do not know of high end target ships.


Mar 27, 2022
RSI Handle
Also how do I find which ship or vehicle has LTI that I can use as the bases. I can buy that and then start building my chain. Perhaps melt my titan and buy towards Cutlas black to start off.

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Did you pick up the stand-alone ship, or the one in the starter pack with added skin for the same price? (I'm planning to "refer" myself the starter pack towards the end of the event, should my funds hold out - had there been a referral bonus, I'd have done so already).

I've given one a test run, and it seems like a nice little ship for bunker missions - Tractor beam in bodies and\or 1\2SCU containers of loot, and can be landed right at the door to bunker as well.
Just the stand-alone, I already have two starter packs somewhere, and wasn't fussed on the skin (I picked up the other skins also), yeah a nice little runnabout.
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Dec 14, 2021
RSI Handle
@FZD Great topic. I need some guidance and help. I am very new and have an avenger titan. A little knowledge and feel that I should get a lifetime insurance ship as a basis and then build towards another long term. I am not sure what will be the final ship I shoot for. I like doing bounties and starting to do some mining/cargo. Hence I was thinking about getting to cutlass black as the next ship. Hence can you please advise how can I take advantage of this event and what would you recommend for the long term? I saw videos and recommendations for the future were 600i and/or Andromeda. I do not know of high end target ships.
I would avoid spending real money until you have a better idea what to shoot for. Invictus is a perfect opportunity to rent a lot of different things and see if you like the flight characteristics and other ship stats. Once you figure out what you want to shoot for, you could start spending towards that goal. Any warbond savings CCU that is available during the event will be available again on the last day of the event per CIG.

If you stick to warbond CCUs this week you can get by with a relatively small investment. For example, today the Sentinel is available for $15 off. You could get a CCU from Constellation Andromeda (a ship that is always available) to the Sentinel for $20 which is a $35 "value". To get any use of this you'd have to know you're going up that far in total ship value. If you decided you only wanted a Gladius for example then this purchase would not help you at all.

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
@FZD Great topic. I need some guidance and help. I am very new and have an avenger titan. A little knowledge and feel that I should get a lifetime insurance ship as a basis and then build towards another long term. I am not sure what will be the final ship I shoot for. I like doing bounties and starting to do some mining/cargo. Hence I was thinking about getting to cutlass black as the next ship. Hence can you please advise how can I take advantage of this event and what would you recommend for the long term? I saw videos and recommendations for the future were 600i and/or Andromeda. I do not know of high end target ships.
LTI won't be a bank breaking thing in the future, but still nice if you can get it. The only ships that will have LTI will be concept ships just released for sale (unless in an expensive pack). If they release a relatively cheap new the new's pretty cheap at $110. When they do that they'll have versions of stand alone if you use store credit (non LTI) and with fresh money (LTI). This is what you do:

Buy a Cross Chassis Upgrade Token (CCU) for an "F7C Hornet to a Legionnaire" - They will cost $10 instead of buying the new ship for $ ten upgrade tokens instead...but why?

The ship is new and has's $ F7C Hornet is $ the upgrade is $10...and now the ball is in your court...


With the token, YOU can choose when to upgrade and save some cash...say in the future you want a ship that is more expensive, been out for a while and has no have an F7C Hornet to Legionnare upgrade the F7C Hornet..apply the now have a Legionnaire with LTI....then buy another CCU token for a Legionnaire to the new ship....apply now have the ship you want with LTI. This way you don't have to spend up big in one buy later when you feel like it after getting the initial F7C Hornet to Legionnaire tokens....hope that helps. Also there are numerous videos on YouTube showing how to do this.

As for ships...I hated the it's currently my go-to ship and I love it. It's versatile and cheap, buy one with a ROC miner and you have a small freight ship, and a basic mining vehicle package.
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