May Glorious Leader smile upon all my mouse movements. In his name I game. Hail the God-emperor!
Frisbeerocker Commissar May 31, 2014 1,173 2,405 2,150 RSI Handle Frisbeerocker87 Dec 30, 2015 #1 May Glorious Leader smile upon all my mouse movements. In his name I game. Hail the God-emperor! Reactions: Krystal LeChuck, WarrenPeace, honcho12 and 2 others
Blind Owl Hallucinogenic Owl Donor Nov 27, 2015 20,943 74,102 3,160 RSI Handle BlindOwl Dec 31, 2015 #2 Oooooooooooooo, so pretty.
gladestone Vice Admiral Mar 8, 2015 233 321 500 RSI Handle gladestone Dec 31, 2015 #3 Looks like a diva mouse pad