Greetings! Hello! Um...Is This Thing On?


Space Marshal
Aug 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Ok, so let's do this.

Where you from stranger?
I am from the deepest part of the most exotic jungles in all of... Ok, ok, i'm from the boring plains of central US. Ok? Happy now?

What drew you to Star Citizen?
As someone with a few greys in my beard, I have been a complete and utter PC gaming junkie since before it was cool. And then wasn't cool. And then was cool again - sort of? (But was always best to me!) I was given a taste of Vic 20 for free, and then I had to have some C64. That escalated to an IBM Model 30, and by then there was no rehab that could help me. When something called Wing Commander came along, I was hooked. I played and finished all of CR's games. I was dejected when he left the industry to pursue film. My jaw hit the floor when I heard the news that he was returning in force to take advantage of the technology of today. My level of enthusiasm for this project is eclipsed by no one...other than perhaps one Mr. Ben Lesnick. (Maybe not even him.)

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Simply all of it. There is nothing I'm not looking forward to.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Probably Zork on the Vic 20 at my friend Jeff's house when I was a wee lad. It's amazing how technology has changed over the decades. From zero graphics (Zork) to pixel games (Elite - the old one, Magic Johnson vs Larry Bird) to 3D (Doom) to near photo realistic. It has been an amazing journey. I only hope I don't die before SC is released.

What other games do you play?
You name it. I currently have 143 games in Steam alone. Right now I'm enjoying the hell out of Witcher 3 and GTA V on PC. I love anything from Wasteland 3 to Shadow of Mordor to Arma 3 and everything in between. Not to mention Elite Dangerous, and of course, SC. Space games were (are) my thing. I was really sad to see them go away for so long, and I'm really happy to see them come back.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

BoredGamer's video with Supreme Leader Montoya. Sounds like a good, lighthearted group without a ton of commitment required. Most importantly, with a great sense of humor. Sense of humor is the top thing I'm looking for in others.

Picard or Kirk?
Hmmm... I like them both, but I think we all know Picard would beat Kirk in a double-fisted fist fight any day.

So there - done. Now that you all know me really well, I'll be over for dinner. I like meatloaf.


"If something's worth doing, it's worth doign rihgt."
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST! We have a similar slogan: "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing drunk."
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Reactions: Skullduggery


Rear Admiral
Jul 20, 2015
RSI Handle
i have 416 steam games.... and i am so board *joke* things come and go. better games come out and you end up not finishing others. i know that feeling.
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Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome Skullduggery! I know you're not supposed to ask someone their age but.. I am curious now how old you are! Anyway, cool to have you here. You seem like you're going to be a great asset to us with your experience! Should totally hop on Mumble with us at some point. We love new new voices!
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Reactions: Skullduggery


Space Marshal
Aug 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Welcome Skullduggery! I know you're not supposed to ask someone their age but.. I am curious now how old you are!
Anyway, cool to have you here. You seem like you're going to be a great asset to us with your experience! Should totally hop on Mumble with us at some point. We love new new voices!
Well, physically I'm 46. Mentally, somewhere south of 25 (or 5 if you ask my wife).
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