Hull A cargo bumped up to 64 SCU


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle

As Hull A is nearing completion, we're getting more and more these sneak peeks, this time a Hull A laden with cargo. Now, the original, old figures gave Hull A 48 SCU worth of cargo, but on the video you can clearly see 4* 4*2*2 = 64. Which makes more sense as those folding cargo pads are symmetrical.

Now, here's hoping that the rest of the Hull lineup will get some moderate increases as well. Hull B and C particularly... Hull B is a medium with 384 SCU capacity, which doesn't really give much of a "pure cargo hauler" feeling when compared to Railen with 320 SCU that's more of a soup'd up freelancer, or MOLE which has 288 SCU (ore) capacity while also somehow having room for all that mining gear. As for Hull C, well, I'm very happy about my BMM, but BMM is just so much more than a pure cargo transport (and can even land on planets). Hull C should have just... more cargo capacity. Like, somewhere around twice that of BMM maybe? BMM cargo is well protected in an internal bay, BMM comes with a hangar, a bazaar and the capability to land on planets. I mean, sure, not all ships need to be equal, but if Hull C is *the* purely cargo focused Large ship, then it should have a clear edge in specifically cargo running.

Well, I'm not even planning on owning Hull C or B, but, that's my 2 cents.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'll pick up the Hull A to get a feel for it and if I like the design etc. I have a Hull B and D. Hoping the B has more like 500-600scu.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
the bog-standard Freelancer has 66 scu cargo capacity, is tanky AF, fits thru small wormholes, and travels in-system as fast as anything

for a little more money, the Freelancer Max has 122 scu

WTF is the value proposition of the Hull A?


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Answering the value proposition:

At the current state of the game, nothing. It's a box that's waiting to get ganked by some 8 year old.

The benefits in the future, with the cargo refactor could include: higher range (Stanton is squashed at the moment for playability), lower running costs (fuel and possible loading costs), speed of loading/unloading. Currently this is just theory, the cargo refactor may change significantly after it's first implementation where all the speed benefits are lost. (cos ppl will start wailing on the forums/spectrum/YT about them not having the time and patience to sit around for 10 minutes per SCU of cargo load with regular ships, or sumthing) Maybe when CiG realizes that they have no real selling point over a lancer, they'll add a capability to carry certain pods/boxes that require it's external storage rack and can't be transported inside a ship? Who knows waht the marketing team will need to come up with.

For me, it was the fact that it's not another fuckin fighter jet, and that it was within my CCU budget. The cost difference between the lancer and the A due to VAT (27%) here made the A way more affordable to me, pushing the lancer well outside my budget.

It's the entry level small budget ship for the space truckers. No need to overthink it. Also it's great for target practice, to train your pirates on, and to fill the universe with some Ai. civilian life.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Compared with the Freelancer Max , the ability for one person to more easily load the cargo. That may or may not be enough of a difference for you. What I want to know is, is the Hull A a better small cargo choice than the Nomad?
Rule of cool, no more.

If it still has its small components it should be cheaper to operate than a Freelancer. Its competitors are the Nomad, the Titan, the Reliant Core and the 300 series. Of course that also makes it carrier fighter range. So for carrying stuff around a single planetary system or small star system.

It is the Hull B that is the Cutlass, Freelancer, Freelancer Max, Connie etc. competitor.
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