Let's Start up a Patreon for TEST -- a hub for backing our members


Space Marshal
Jun 14, 2014
RSI Handle
We could easily bring in 200 or 300 bucks a month, that we could then funnel into ships for the org, or for backing the patreons of our streamers like BadNewsBaron. It could act as a hub of sorts, publicly showing how we support one another.

Just an idea!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I had considered that, but with the donation drive here on the forums, is that not a bit too much overlap?

Let me know what you guys think. If some of you prefer to give a small amount every month automatically, that will add up nicely in the long term and allow us to budget for certain expenses knowing for sure that $X will be coming in.

I have a Patreon page already set up from last month, but have not used it.

In my last video I brought up the idea of using funds for ships.

Personally I think it is not critical that we have the org ships if we can be patient, but on the other hand, we do want to have every advantage early on in the PU.

At the moment there are three ships that I consider important, the Orion mining platform, the Hull C and the Idris. Pooling our funds and getting these is very doable, but the question is if this is really the best use of the money?

Your second point about supporting TEST twitch streamers, YES!

Nothing gives me more pleasure than throwing money at the TTS (TEST Twitch Streamers).

Supporting their Patreon is a nice gesture, but I really enjoy donating to their channel during peak hours! lol

Captain Richard does a whole dance every time you give money!

Not only that, but we can go onto other streamers channels and make it rain just as a way to promote TEST! lol


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Montoya hit it on the head; with donations, you should strive for a single-stream approach, unless the additional stream comes with additional exposure to groups that you wouldn't have access to normally. In patreon's case, I'm not certain that it would drive in additional members or provide us with a significant enough visibility boost to justify splitting our focus.


Space Marshal
Jun 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Those are good points. I guess I'm more in love with the public-facing sort of transparency of Patreon -- you could even set TEST up as just a Patreon user, funneling portions of the donations we get here into Patreon projects.

I'll keep on brainstorming.

On the toilet.
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Aug 10, 2014
RSI Handle
Patreon - mhhh.
It has it's pro's and con's using it I guess.
  • contiuous pledges will be set up
  • needs an account, not everyone willing to create one
  • complicating fiscal management
  • patron pledge fees eat into our funds
    from Patreon: (Our billing partners charge the following fees for pledges: Paypal $0.05 + 5%* per transaction Stripe $0.30 + 2.1%* per transaction Patreon also has a 5% fee to cover our operating costs*)
I don't see that more exposure would come from Patreon by the way. It's more the other way round: we would have to advertise that we use Patreon.

That said I agree with Montoya. It's not that meaningful to just subscribe, as Test, to Patreon pages of streamers that we support.

There are many ways we could support them, if they would ask for it which isn't really happening yet sadly. In case they do we could provide artwork, trusted people to work with during streams etc.

Also I believe that subscriptions could get out of hand quickly. The only reason why I, for example, do not stream is because of bandwith issues. A lot of people could, and closer to release probably will stream. With a playerbase like hours my opinion is that we need to support streamers in a meaningful way to get exposure in return. That could be done best by direct interaction with our streamers and funding them directly.

It also saves us at least 10% (5% by pledging to TEST + PayPal fees (+2.x%) and another 5% from us Patreon'ing them).
Jun 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Main reason I no longer stream is My BB sucks and I can only strem upto 360p not good enough to watch on than anything other than phones.

I would love to do this but ain't going to happen for a while longer maybe when the game finally come out I will be ubale to upgrade my net to provide PU coverage.
I do like to support the streamer by following them which gets them the advertising rev.
All the above a great ideas and I feel we should continue to help them in any way shape or form they may require
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