Marvel Avengers game.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
So, I am not sure if anyone has been paying attention or is even interested in this game, I have been following it and I think it looks like a lot of fun and as more info comes out its actually looking really good.

BUT.... today Sony announces that exclusive to Sony Playstation owners they would get Spider-man FREE...

So for the people who pre-ordered to find out about a month before release that one of the most liked characters in the MCU is exclusive to one platform...

Here is the question, is this shady business tactics? I think it is, I think I own all 3 and had I known I may have opted for the PS4/5 version over the PC, especially when I was leaning towards PS5 console purchase.

What is with the gaming companies these days to think this is ok?
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Pfft preorders? If you have not learned by now you never will!
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I was expecting them to do something like that, just look back at launch and first six months of SWG as a clue to them using EA-lite tactics.
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
The exclusive bonuses, at the end of the day, SHOULD be meaningless. And most of the time are.
I used to buy multiple copies of Gears of War from every retailer that had something unique to offer, for each installment of the franchise up to Gears4.
It was unhealthy obsessive behavior for the sake of collecting. Which, the digital exclusive offerings did not give me anything that was lasting.
What good does a character skin do me for my gameplay experience? Non really.
What does a gold gun skin do for me? Nothing but inflate my ego, it does not improve my skills.

So, my suggestion is, do not fall for the trap. I've been there, done that.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
For me, the issue is if this had been known from the start when the game went on sale even for pre-order I wouldn't have complained nearly as much, the fact that it comes out a month before the game releases, months after people have been pre-ordering to me is very shady to say the least. Many gamers today have PC and console and some of us even have all of the consoles lol. I own all 3 personally and by not announcing this from the start they prevented people like me from making an informed choice on which platform to play the game.

What would have happened if later after the game had gone live we hear about characters or content that is PS only? The people that owned PS4/5 never knowing that this was going to happen and chose to buy the PC or Xbox edition? This to me is borderline fraud, once again, if I go to a car dealership and they show me a car and I order it and come to pick it up they tell me well the A/C is being added but only the Premium edition, well you didn't tell me that when I bought the car? To bad you already ordered it.

I could see a item or rare outfit being console only, but an entire character? I said this on Twitter, its like sellling an NBA title and after people buy it you say well only Xbox users get the Lakers and Bulls sorry. I mean you want to start a riot tell the NBA crowd they can't play LeBron lmao.

To me this is a disaster and a joke and another clear example of corporations abusing the gaming industry. This was for PS5 sales imo.
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