My RSI handle :P

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
OK! I figgured it was time to explain my RSI handle since there seem to be many in game chat who have opinions on its relation to religons and such. I want my fellow Test bros to know the real story behind it so we all can have a laugh about it.

As you probably figure it got nothing to do with devil or any religon quiet the oposite, it's more in the true TEST spirit of things.

It all started way back in the 1980's, in my early days of gaming I needed a handle you know how that story goes I came up with "Angel" for it was free. Well as things progressed I got in to a org and I was a furious FPS gamer back then when FPS started to be a thing. One day one of the guys in the org posted a thread on the forum hailing me and my fighting style after a long competition against another org, (a Victory for our org) he said I am no angel you are a warrior angel. This resulted in a reply from another member "he's a Archangel" so there I got my new handle Archangel.

Well years got by and the name Archangel was harder to get when signing in to a new game I always had to put a something more after, mostly I just put the org name after to solve that.
Signing in to RSI for the first time I wasn't in a org and idés was short of what to add behind Archangel... Then my eye caught a old bar tab I have framed after a wild night out with some friends at the local rock bar, when the night come to it's end I asked to pay for the beer I consumed during the night. It ended up being beer for 666SEK. So that's where "Archangel_666" comes from, got nothing to do with religion but a lot to do with BEER and gaming :P

Have a great one CHEERS!:beer::beers::beer::beers::beers:
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