New Guy.. I got to hug...


Vice Admiral
Mar 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Chris Roberts at SOTA easter party last year So for that reason alone I'm super cool (I have picture that I hang on my wall to remind me my coolness)... but literally that's the only reason which is why I drink..

Where you from stranger? Seattle but currently reside in hell called Arizona

What drew you to Star Citizen?
Brother told me about and past out with child hood memories of Wing commander on my 3DO when I came tooI was a Grand Admiral

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen?(PVP, Exploration, etc)
I've always liked trading and finding new things not much of a fighter (but its fun) but I've found that in AC I'm good at ramming things

What was the first game you remember playing?
Mario Brothers on an Arcade system standing on a chair

What other games do you play?
all kinds RPG , Sports, but will be playing this SOTA and eventually CrowFall

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

I hadn't looked at orgs in awhile and I was kind of annoyed with all the seriousness that guilds tend to sound like, look like and act , we play games for one reason to drink... ohh yeah and have fun. I need laid back super awesome amazing people and you guys have that in Droves
Picard or Kirk
Generation was on at the peak of my child hood so I have to go with Picard

Grand Admiral
Flying: Orion (Work), Carrack (Vacations) (Possibly Hull-C because if you're going to vacation might as well make Credits), Ghost Hornet (Spying on my Ex) Mustang Omega (racing "Gambling") Aurora CL (for Drinking and Crashing)
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Nice selection of ships, welcome to TEST!
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