In single player Free flight you can fly any ship you have or in private Free flight with friend/s, the pirate/vanduul swarm have limits on size ship you can use.
In free flight don't forget to chose ship you want to use and accept the change. then start free flight.
if Arena commander start acting strange return to first main menu then go back in to AC.
If that don't work and it still is behaving odd just restart the game.
And for your ship not spawning in PU on pad can be your network, server lag, some time it does this and walking out on the pad then leave it again then go back make it pop.
Can also be the server you're on is starting to go down, I always change server when it don't behave right until I get a server that is smooth.
Changing server you do buy change between US EU or AU,
Example: you're on EU and it is acting strange, then change to US let it load in don't have to do anything there. Then go back to main menu and chose EU again this usually put you in a new server.