I've been watching his videos for a while now, lots of cool science things well worth a watch, but this turn of events was rather unexpected. Wow!
Whats next? It turns out that
Scott Manley is actually working for a secret government agency on a Super Secret Fusion powered MegaSubmarine?
(cool channel for space science, and also on how to build a nuke, check it out!)
I would've liked if he went into more science behind the stuff he worked on and such, but I guess that's classified.
Seeing the DoD disclaimer at the beginning, I had my hopes up for some new military tech being unveiled and explained.
Overall, if he did this video voluntarily, I'm impressed that he had the guts to admit to his job and such in todays climate. The (very limited) insight into his job was cool and interesting.
If he did this cos he was required to do so, I'm sorta disappointed. The rest of the video with the propaganda/interview, was rather Meh... Not much was said really.
I hope the interesting, deeper stuff comes in later videos as this is supposed to be just the start of a series.
- the funny rocket scientist youtuber guy admits to being a not-so-funny military rocket scientist
- military guys play with a sandbox, and explain the Domains of warfare
- a 4 Star General says Cyber Domain multiple times in a happy positive tone like he just reinvented the wheel, and you should be impressed
- 4 Star General admits to this youtube video being a (propaganda) weapon*
*- everyone not in the US watching the video should be scared now cos they just got attacked by a US weapon!

- the 4 Star G-man talks about the "human" factor like it's some mystical new totally innovative realization, that the opinion of the general public does matter, and as such propaganda messages, disinformation, and things that we just call "fake news" actually work in creating or avoiding conflicts! Just like it did for thousands of years, with the only difference being that it's now done through mass media in the Cyber Domain instead of ppl shouting over the castle walls (Human-Ground Multi-Domain?) or throwing pamphlets from an airplane (Air-Ground-Human Multi-Domain Warfare)