Something to keep in mind when playing Star Citizen!

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Some real facts here... !

The true fact about Star Citizen there is NO numbers or fact avail on anything in the game that is set in stone or made final yet, there will not be any such information from anyone unless CIG officially state so in writing that some thing is made as final and will not be change again.*
(*But as long it is in alpha or beta even that can change due to circumstance)

I know it's hard to remember when you play Star Citizen that this is not a released finished final product yet, be cause it look so damn amazing all ready. We are only on our first stages of what you might call a real playable version now, that set the foundation for the real game.

You have to remember this last part and do not forget it! :ballot_box_with_check:

This game is in Alpha then comes Beta after that when beta testing is done and a full release of the game is made, they will wipe any achievements or anything you made in game up until that day of a official full released game.

Only thing you keep when game is officially released as final product and what is truly yours is on your RSI account the inventory of the stuff you have there no matter if it's gifted, bought or earned - earned as in flairs REC stuff given to you for subscribing etc...

If it is in your official account pledge RSI web hangar it is yours to keep and will remain yours all else as in aUEC, bUEC, testing money achievements, reputation or anything built or bought with testing money during alpha and beta will be gone and wiped.

All this are true facts unless CIG will state something else in writing that changes any of it.

Just little something to keep in mind and think about when playing Star Citizen.

So just have fun now and enjoy the game for what it is and don't make a big deal of things now, they wont matter once the game goes to full release anyways :smile:

Hope you all having a great weekend :smile:

CHEERS! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :smile:
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
To the best of my knowledge, when the full release wipe happens, the only things that will remain are your accounts, the items you actively have in your hanger, the Orgs & whatever actual UEC you have obtained along the way. (Not REC, aUEC or bUEC)

2 facts that may as well be carved in stone are, this game started as a dream of Chris Roberts & it has gotten this far thanks to the financial backing of us backers.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
To the best of my knowledge, when the full release wipe happens, the only things that will remain are your accounts, the items you actively have in your hanger, the Orgs & whatever actual UEC you have obtained along the way. (Not REC, aUEC or bUEC)

2 facts that may as well be carved in stone are, this game started as a dream of Chris Roberts & it has gotten this far thanks to the financial backing of us backers.
HIGH FIVE on that ...
BUT! REC you'll have or any flair stuff to that is given to you from being a subscriber and REC might only work in Arena Commander as it was intended from the start, when game goes live how they do with rented guns and ships if they let us use them all over the game or only in Arena commander is still not stated or decided what to do with renting ships and guns...
But it will still exist and or you be rewarded with something else for it nothing how they will do with REC and rented stuff is set in stone yet :smile:

First and dawn right

HIGH FIVE on that :smile: :beer: :beers: :smile:
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle

:joy::joy::joy: :upside_down::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::spy:


Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't mean to be argumentative, but this is absolutely not true.

Buying a game package and joining Test Squadron makes you 42% more sexy.

Haaaa haa ha ha ha ha.... True that CHEERS! :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers:

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