TEST Facts

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
1. TEST Squadron has never lost a battle. Any perception of loss is merely part of a larger and more elaborate grand scheme. Maybe.

2. 42% of Squadron Members will crash their ships in the next 42 minutes.

3. TEST Spais do not know they are spais. Yet.

4. Any rumor of Spais in our own ranks will be met with a swift and brutal round of reorganization into a less centralized command structure and a rearranging of the musical chairs. As such all department heads within the Squadron will be required to meet in Montoya's hot tub to pick new liaisons.

5. Ship crashing is not something to avoid but something to hope for.

6. Chris Roberts submitted his membership application at 2014 Gamescom when he crashed his Hornet. He was accepted immediately.

7. TEST members replace their livers and bladder with recirculation pumps to enjoy the alcoholic content of the beverage longer.

8. For ever TEST pilot shot down, several more will rise to take their place.

9. Negotiations between TEST, Imperium and Goodrathi to become a super org fall apart over beer allocation methods. Keg, bottles or cans?

10. The missile launchers on the TEST Bengal Carrier were retrofitted to fire Auroras.

11. TEST maintains the largest cache of shot glasses in the verse.

12. Montoya's hot tub is reserved for official business only.

13. TEST Squadron files in single file to create a line.
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