TEST teamwork FTW!!

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
No such thing as TEST Teamwork, only an amazing set of coincidences you could have never planned for but happened anyway contrary to all probability.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I can confirm that they actually worked together.

I was in teamspeak at the time and heard them actually coordinating and working together!

It was weird.


May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
The fun and satisfaction of helping each other was just epic.. It sucks my mic wasn't being recorded cause there are several parts when I'm directing avenger to make certain maneuvers to draw his attacker into my line of fire that were just textbook and epic.

Montoya can you link my video on the starcitizen reddit and forums please..

(Funny story: sc reddit mods banned me... Pretty sure on request from CIG mods.. Fun fun fun!)


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
(Funny story: sc reddit mods banned me... Pretty sure on request from CIG mods.. Fun fun fun!)

I was not aware people were being banned from r/starcitizen... Did you do anything on there that warrants a ban?


May 28, 2014
RSI Handle

I was not aware people were being banned from r/starcitizen... Did you do anything on there that warrants a ban?
I "critiqued" another user for being a forum rat.. Wannabe hall monitor behavior.. (It was pretty mean I'm not gonna lie) He reported me for it so the mods sent me a warning.. I sent him a PM to apologize and he made a few creative edits to the pm and forwarded it to the mods who used it as a reason to ban me.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle

I'm not nice to lazy idiots and rats.

I always contributed great content to that sub, sorry if I refuse to act like it's kindergarten
It's a game, rtmoose. Actually, it's not even a game yet. It's just forums.

If you can't be civil with people, you really should be taking a look at what's got you so worked up about desk-jockeys typing stuff onto a computer screen. There's just never a good reason to be a massive dick to people.

It sounds like you really got screwed over while trying to do the right thing with your apology, and that's incredibly unfortunate. Honestly, though, the best way to avoid a sucker punch is to step back when things intensify and disengage from the conflict long before blows get traded. I understand that we all sometimes get our dander up and feel like we need to defend ourselves, but the mistake inside that is to fall into the delusion that forum warrioring is worth the energy we put into it.

Territorial behavior over screen pixels is going to be an evolutionary mis-match. There's very few scenarios where whatever's happening on the computer screen is something that's truly going to affect your welfare or that of someone you're responsible for protecting.

Anyway, sorry that happened. Thanks for doing cool stuff around here, in multiplayer and in starting to get organized for fps.



May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
It's a game yep.

However my being a dick to people has nothing to do with the game, or the forum.. It's me.

I make no apologies for how I am, I am acerbic, often judgmental, quite biting in my criticisms.. However I am also honest and loyal and always admit when I'm wrong.

As a grown man I don't expect to be told how to behave.. And I don't need explanations about why people treat me how they do. I'm simply dumbfounded at how stodgy and lacking in humor some people are.

TL;DR: I'm very clear and straightforward about who and what I am. If you don't like what I say.. You should expect that anything I write is going to make you feel the same way.. So just don't read it.

Edit: I want to be clear to starkestrel that this wasn't directed at you.. This is just an overall description of me.. I've been this way online for nearly 2 decades.. And this community is the first one where it seems you need to speak in business formal terms and run everything past a sensitivity coach before it's acceptable to write.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
Edit: I want to be clear to starkestrel that this wasn't directed at you.. This is just an overall description of me.. I've been this way online for nearly 2 decades.. And this community is the first one where it seems you need to speak in business formal terms and run everything past a sensitivity coach before it's acceptable to write.
No worries, mate.

Among other things, I'm a professional leadership coach. It's self-evident that you're trying to (and succeeding) at making a difference in this community, and presumably in other communities as well. In my experience working with small business owners and professionals trying to increase the degree of influence they have in communities, it ultimately comes down to the very difficult work of understanding oneself and growing in ways that will result in achieving the desired impact/effect/etc.

You're obviously free to be who you are, and there's undoubted strength in that authenticity. But anyone who's been through leadership training (whether corporate, military, sports, etc) will tell you that unexamined and uncorrected behaviors ultimately limit potential leaders with regards to how far they go along that path.

That's all I'm chiming in about, and it's in response to how I see you showing up here. (As someone showing leadership and wanting to make a difference.) By all means, be who you are, and take my unsolicited commentary for what it's worth to you.

I'll reiterate that it sounds like you got a raw deal elsewhere. I hope you continue to feel like this place can be a home.


May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
No worries, mate.

Among other things, I'm a professional leadership coach. It's self-evident that you're trying to (and succeeding) at making a difference in this community, and presumably in other communities as well. In my experience working with small business owners and professionals trying to increase the degree of influence they have in communities, it ultimately comes down to the very difficult work of understanding oneself and growing in ways that will result in achieving the desired impact/effect/etc.

You're obviously free to be who you are, and there's undoubted strength in that authenticity. But anyone who's been through leadership training (whether corporate, military, sports, etc) will tell you that unexamined and uncorrected behaviors ultimately limit potential leaders with regards to how far they go along that path.

That's all I'm chiming in about, and it's in response to how I see you showing up here. (As someone showing leadership and wanting to make a difference.) By all means, be who you are, and take my unsolicited commentary for what it's worth to you.

I'll reiterate that it sounds like you got a raw deal elsewhere. I hope you continue to feel like this place can be a home.
high five man...

sorry i get kinda "needled" when people point out i act like a five year old from time to time :)

*Insert joke about "I'll lead her ship, coach" here*
lets just hope she doesnt have a "dry-dock"





Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
high five man...

sorry i get kinda "needled" when people point out i act like a five year old from time to time :)
Well, by rights you should get a bit needly when someone you've never met before introduces themselves in such a way. That was poor form on my part. I think I assume a certain familiarity around here, which may be more confusing because I was a more avid poster 7 months ago.

Anyway, nice to meet you. High five back.
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