I have long since held that the popularity and success of a game can be measured by the amount of information available on third party websites. WoW has sites like wowhead, mr robot, world of logs, and many others. Even the original grandpa Everquest (the origin of my online name btw) had sites like allakhazam and eqdb (not around anymore I guess). The measurement of success can be taken by the thoroughness and speed in which these sites present any and all possible data involving their target game.
So it is no small surprise that I go looking for these sites any time I start up in a new game. In this case, Star Citizen, there is no shortage of sites and internet waypoints that track every aspect of this game. On a more personal level, I can also tell what my current internet interests are by what is populating my bookmark bar. I figured I would share some of these bookmarks and invite you all to share yours. Not all of them are necessarily SC info, but they are all related. So, with no further ado, I present my SC bookmark list.
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That's what I have for now. I know there are a TON more sites out there, but I mainly stick to the ones that are regularly updated. There is nothing worse than running off of outdated information. Plus, I am sure there are even more out there that I haven't come across.
So what SC sites do you all have tucked away in your bookmarks?
EDIT: Link list updated 12/03/16 (or 03/12/16)
So it is no small surprise that I go looking for these sites any time I start up in a new game. In this case, Star Citizen, there is no shortage of sites and internet waypoints that track every aspect of this game. On a more personal level, I can also tell what my current internet interests are by what is populating my bookmark bar. I figured I would share some of these bookmarks and invite you all to share yours. Not all of them are necessarily SC info, but they are all related. So, with no further ado, I present my SC bookmark list.
- Main SC site: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/
- Main Org site: https://testsquadron.com/
- Crowdfunding development spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tMAP0fg-AKScI3S3VjrDW3OaLO4zgBA1RSYoQOQoNSI/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1694467207
- Ship size comparison (first post regularly updated): https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/28970/ship-size-comparison-ship-scale-3-0/p1
- Weapon Stat chart: https://public.tableau.com/profile/moonchilde#!/vizhome/SC2-5WpnStats/WeaponData
- Test Squadron shirts: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/testsquadron/
- 10 for the Chairman searchable DB: http://scqa.info/
- CIG production schedule page: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/schedule-report
- SC component data spreadsheet (OMG... so many tabs!): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13LzkKzDOKIdrhwL5E2n2Co6THa74A2izxn8lykDuPAk/edit#gid=1616405870
- A true site for theorycrafters: http://starcitizendb.com/
- SC wiki: http://starcitizen.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
- SC wiki #2 (who will win?): https://starcitizen.tools/Star_Citizen_Wiki
- Fleet generator: http://fubank.org/ships.aspx
- Fleet generator #2: https://raylehnhoff.github.io/SCFSD/
- SC signature generator: http://www.signator.org/generator-star-citizen
Edited additions:
- Key map link (credit: Mich Angel): https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/332540/2-4-controls-larger-size-keymap#latest
- Testie streamers (credit: Mich Angel): http:// https://www.twitch.tv/team/test
- SC streamers (credit Mich Angel): https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Star Citizen
That's what I have for now. I know there are a TON more sites out there, but I mainly stick to the ones that are regularly updated. There is nothing worse than running off of outdated information. Plus, I am sure there are even more out there that I haven't come across.
So what SC sites do you all have tucked away in your bookmarks?
EDIT: Link list updated 12/03/16 (or 03/12/16)
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