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Thole-pin Up casino: prioritizes purchaser fulfillment with consecrate facilitate services. participants buoy extend to a well-educated and communicative facilitate company via email, conscious small talk, or telephone for assistance with whatever questions or emanations they hawthorn happen upon patch victimization the platform.
Howdy ,
Contrary to my name, i am a good boy, i do not crime... But i will.
I'm pretty new to SC and looking for friends to chat and hang with and some guidance on what to do on my space journey.
I've been grinding the Delivery missions and some Mercenary Jobs but I'm looking to make some big $$
Also looking for more FPS fighting & Group missions.
Enlisted with Test Squadron in Star Citizen. Time to unleash interstellar chaos and leave a trail of cosmic wreckage. Victory beers will taste like conquest and stardust.
Can we get these bot accounts to screw off? Thaaaanks.
Beep boop I be a botty account and I is reet piss.

The annoying thing is they aren't really trying to sell us crap, they're using the forum as an SEO swizz to try to play Googles search rankings. But nae fear, Overlord Googs won't be taken for anyones fool.
Hello, do you still have the package with Aurora mr and Squadron42 for sale?
Hi Morten.
My apologies; that pack was sold a while ago but forgot to update tht listing. the one available now is one with a LN instead:

That will go for $58 or 53€ (VAT and Paypal fees included in either case). Tell me your email so I can send the invoice if you're still interesed.
Does anyone actually read these?
  • o7
Reactions: wmk
Han Burgundy
Han Burgundy
Oh this is just how the CIA passes coded messages to their operatives. Green Snake Placenta Orange. See that? Totally just ordered a guy to rob a bank in a photo-realistic Nancy Reagan mask
Patrick Spaceman

(better late than never)
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