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Using a megaphone to say hi to my neighbors. Why don't they like me? I'm just trying to be friendly.
Han Burgundy
Han Burgundy
Have you used said megaphone to read passages of Fifty Shades of Gray to them at 6:30 in the morning? That'll get em goin...
Shive! How you been brotha! You still the fastest dude in the verse?..
Haven't played in years, looks like a bunch of shit has changed especially with flight. You got any tips for people that basically gotta learn how to fly again lol?... Oh and what's up with the limiter crap.. Shit threw me off man lol.
I'm the slowest :)
As for flying as things are right now... Get something analog for throttle control, the binary keyboard throttle just wont do, that's really all I can say.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and have a great New Year, Testies. You've earned it.
Sitting down to the Rise of Skywalker was like watching a favorite uncle get beat to death with a sock full of commemorative nickels...
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Han Burgundy
Han Burgundy
And I had to pay fourteen bucks for the privilege...
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