VirtualAss threatens Montoya and all 13,000 members of TEST!

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Good morning TESTies! :grin:

This morning I am greeted with more insanity from VirtualAss, leader of soon to be fractured org called Aerospace Alliance.

For those out of the loop, the guy was griefing players at Grim Hex by pad camping and blowing up any ship that was spawning because they are "pirates", and he is the sworn defender of something or other roleplaying bullshit.

I fully support anybody have fun in this alpha stage of the game, but its a bit of a dick move to sit at Grim Hex and blow up all the ships that spawn.

Many new arrivals to Star Citizen will often bump into another ship at Port Ollisar, this results in you getting criminal status, which then makes you respawn at Grim Hex.

It is extremely frustrating as a new backer in the game to be unable to get into a ship at Grim Hex because somebody else has decided you should be allowed to leave the base.

Several TEST members from Eastern Block (our Russian speaking division) took the job of engaging VirtualAss and his friends so that players who spawn with criminal status can actually leave the base and enjoy the game. VirtualAss took great offense to this because... roleplaying rules or something.

In his latest crybaby message to me he threatens to mass PM all 13,000 members of TEST and let them know the truth!

The truth is that he is not a sack of shit, but a wonderful person that only wants to help make Star Citizen a wonderful game for all! (except those that have criminal status)

Here is his latest masterpiece that I got this morning:

@VirtualAce4:22 am
Your out if control Mr_Urchin just posted another b.s. video with yet another former member we kicked out on your forums, "out of game". That is the stupidest one yet with him fake blowing me up in the end? WTF delusional idiotic garbage are you allowing this moron to post? Are you going to let this guy continue this out of game crap with all these lies? You have to know hundreds of people must be shaking their heads at all this and rolling their eyes? What are you doing man?


You know I can't let this stuff stand, am I going to have to split the load up between all my guys and mail all 13k of your people and let them know what's really going on here? Why don't you just stop this one idiot using you and using your own forums for his own petty purposes? Thought we were on the right path to keeping this in game? I really feel like my hand is being forced here to defend myself and our Org.

VirtualAss wants you all to know that he has done nothing wrong, he is not using a debug script to get information, and its Mr_Urchin and TEST that are the really bad people in this story. There, I saved him the hassle.

I know he reads this forum diligently.

Some friendly advice VirtualAss, you were kicked out of ADI for being a terrible person.

It's only a matter of time before your own org will abandon you for being a terrible person.

(PS, TESTies, please do not contact this guy or anybody from his org)


Dec 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm sure mass spamming will win him many allies - which he will obviously need having challenged the honour of the Glorious Leader.

Obviously, we can't really prove one way or the other about the debug info claims - but what can be proven is spawn camping is super douchey. As he's an RPer I'd expect him more than others to appreciate that sometimes players want to get on with other stuff and not have their game interrupted. He can only RP his way through his ship in his RP moustache with his RP buddies if nobody outside is exploding them constantly.

Thats exactly the sort of griefing he would complain loudly about to all who listen, yet here hs is doing the exact same thing to EVERYBODY who spawns at hex.

What a tool.


Dec 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I guess I'm getting old as I wonder who the hell has time for this crap.
You and me both - thats why I'm actually a little more annoyed than I woudl otherwise be.

I get, at most, a small handful of hours per week to enjoy my gaming in between all the mandatory adulting. People who deliberately ruin those precious hours really grate me.


May 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I laughed for 15 minutes straight, thank you Montoya

Lets see here . . . Lead through fear and hate or Lead through love and laughter? Hmmm

13000 vs 30 + 480 new ship owners?

I guess we have to let history tell this tale

Everyone in TEST is welcome to come to flight night this weekend
Check TEST discord forums (star citizen/announcements) for details, bring your aurora and some beer.

We have a villian
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