Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Yup. We're basically all hanging on till Gandalf....I mean Dr Fauci (or whoever) comes up with a vaccine (or whatever). Dude better ride in on a white horse while announcing the cure.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Russia. ("We just changed our nuclear doctrine to let the world know we will use nukes against conventional attacks. For no reason.")
I missed that one in the news - my guess is that a proportion of their army is on its arse with COVID and they feel they can't defend themselves anymore. An oft quoted phrase is "A good offense is a good defense" so one assumes it's being prickly to put people off trying to take back the Crimea or whatever.

Everyone is effected by COVID I don't think they have anything to worry about but you've got to keep up appearances.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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UK gov: Having sex with someone outside your household is illegal from June 1st
Criminals: Thank you, now the thrill of crime makes me come twice
View attachment 16362
Yep, it's almost like they've approached the crisis backwards only enacting things that would save lives after those who would benefit from the actions have died.

Other reports from today from around the world:

- UK: Face coverings on public transport to be made mandatory... months after first discussing if they should be encouraged or not and 57 days after the countries (first) peak.

- US/Canada: A small well run trial of hydrochloroquine suggests treatment no more effecting than a placebo. Larger trials are still in process.

- World: WHO reports daily increase in cases has breached 100,000 a day globally for the last five days in a row showing it's gathering pace, with the observation that "for several weeks the number of cases in the Americas has been more than the rest of the world put together" suggesting the hot-spot has well and truly moved from Europe across the Atlantic, with concerns about southern and central America being in particular peril.

- Brazil: Lockdown due to end despite record deaths.

- US: George Floyd tested positive for Corona-virus during autopsy but he was thought to be asymptomatic, the contagion was not found to be related to his passing.

- World: Petroleum and other fossil fuel industries looking at a $20 trillion loss from 39 trillion to "only" 14 trillion as demand and so the value of reserves drops, apparently hastened by COVID-19 prompting fears for the world economy the energy trade seems to be one of the foundations of. Or something.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID shenanigans from around the world reported today Friday 5th June.

- UK: Victoria's Secret UK division goes into administration.

- Sweden: Third consecutive day of over 1000 new cases.

- Brazil: The country has now overtaken Italy to claim third place in total fatalities with 1,437 deaths and 30,925 new cases in the last 24 hours alone.

- World: Mines everywhere found to be hotspots for Coronavirus, with local communities adversely effected as well as workers.

- UK: Oxford University pulls Hydroxychloroquine from trials "The results showed 25.7% of people taking hydroxychloroquine had died after 28 days. This compared with 23.5% who were given standard hospital treatment." with a professor stating "This is not a treatment for Coronavirus".

- World: WHO guidance updated to encourage governments across the world to tell their citizens to wear face coverings in public areas "In light of evolving evidence". I have been harping on about this for two months now: What ever happened to taking precautions without needing evidence to do it!? With no evidence that doing it is helpful, and no evidence that doing it is unhelpful, I'd rather do it! The evidence would present itself very quickly if doing it was harmful as everyone admitting to hospital would have a face covering on!
Think McFly.gif

I mean, it's good they are doing it now... but it's been months of lost benefit. Actual months.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Great article about my Province's Health Officer appeared on the New York Times today. She's done a great job and we've essentially flattened the curve (9 new cases and 0 deaths yesterday). By all accounts we should have been as hard hit as Ontario and Quebec.



Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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Great article about my Province's Health Officer appeared on the New York Times today. She's done a great job and we've essentially flattened the curve (9 new cases and 0 deaths yesterday). By all accounts we should have been as hard hit as Ontario and Quebec.

Can I go out and lick the playground equipment now?


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Only if you wrap your tongue in PPE and practice 6' social distancing!
If you can't get PPE for your tongue, there is another solution... might require some travel though, Vancouver is a little warm most of the time. In Ontario and Manitoba, when it's -30 outside, we used to get kids to lick the playground equipment... whatever was touching the metal never made it back in their mouths... sometimes that was just tongue, but also the occasional lip.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
If you can't get PPE for your tongue, there is another solution... might require some travel though, Vancouver is a little warm most of the time. In Ontario and Manitoba, when it's -30 outside, we used to get kids to lick the playground equipment... whatever was touching the metal never made it back in their mouths... sometimes that was just tongue, but also the occasional lip.
I still think inhaling extracellular lipaise would work as a treatment as long as it itself didn't dissolve the lungs. I assume you wouldn't even need that much all you need to do is denature the fat shell of the virus you don't need to destroy it outright.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Covid carry-on reported today Saturday 6th June:

- UK: Woman told her "F*ck Boris" T-Shirt is illegal under Section 5 of the Public Order act which states it is not permitted to display slogans which could cause harassment of persons in the immediate vicinity. On questioning whom nearby would be harassed by this it was implied they would be arrested if they did not cover the t-shirt up. It is unclear if anyone called Boris was nearby, however it is clear the Prime Minister who is the Boris implied on the t-shirt was not.

- World/WHO: Guidance released by the WHO suggesting anyone over 60 should wear a medical grade mask when out in public. Again, very late but better now than never.

- India: Yesterday Brazil overtook Italy with deaths to position three, today India overtakes Italy with Cases to become 6th worst hit country for illnesses.

- Africa: Democratic Republic of Conngo suffers not one but TWO ebola outbreaks and the worlds largest measles outbreak, all while COVID-19 starts to ramp up in the area, being described as a "perfect storm".

- UK: Government awards private company £45 million outsource contract for some Track and Trace services, which it had fined £1 million for failures on another outsourced contract only a few months ago.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Covid reports from around the world reported today Sunday 7th June:

- US: Accusations leveled at China by US senior who indicates they have evidence from their intelligence community that there are efforts by China to hamper efforts to create a vaccine.

- UK: Leading scientist states late lockdown cost significant amount of lives. Health secretary responds that they "took the right decisions at the right time" which given the UK's aging population problem and that COVID-19 has a lower impact on people below the age of retirement in the UK, comes across sounding like it was the governments plan all along to cull the population by 40,000 citizens and counting.

- Scotland: No new Coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours... but it is the weekend and figures may not be 100% reliable.

- Brazil: Country no longer releasing official deaths data.

- Cuba: Reports indicate the countrys efforts have been extremely effective to this point, with current cases of 2,173 with 83 deaths.

- Kenya: Lockdown extended by 30 days.
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