Hi there! New Member inc!


Oct 16, 2021
RSI Handle
Hello Pilots!

Backer for a few years, played here and there on a "toaster" but could never really do anything. New machine and looking to get into the Verse at last! "There's coffee in that asteroid!"

RSI Handle: PRAETORIANOS, same as on Steam

Where you from stranger? - Texan, outside DFW

What drew you to Star Citizen? - No other MMO having cool spaceships & general sifi

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) PvP noob but willing - Exploration, People transport, and Medical seem awesome.

What was the first game you remember playing? Star Wars Force Commander

What other games do you play? Heros of the storm and CK3 mainly

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? Long time ago in EvE I knew of Test

Picard or Kirk? Janeway - Obviously

EDIT : If Kirk, new Kirk or old Kirk?


Grand Admiral
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Welcome to the party Praetorianos ! 🍻

If you want to train in PvP, we have a weekly combat flight training event at 19:45 UTC, each saturdays. Hope on discord tonight if you want to try !


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to the TEST party!

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) PvP noob but willing - Exploration, People transport, and Medical seem awesome.
Exploration, people transporting & medical gameplay? Sounds like you might eventually enjoy owning or working on either a Carrack or 890J once the various mechanics are in game. Good times.

Welcome to test!
Grab a beer, mind that crash landing is mandatory, and above all have fun.
Once I joined TEST Squadron, I stopped calling it crashing & began calling it TESTified artistic landing, especially when the ship didn't explode & I didn't get sent back to the HAB.

I'm wondering if when we get Levski back if that NPC from Hangar 2 will still be applying to join TEST with his applications be in the form of him setting up ships in that hangar either upside down or stripped down to pay off his potential digital bar tab. That happened at least 42% of the time I was assigned that hangar at that location.
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