Bait and switch in 3...2...1... Just like with bubba fat's show that didn't even have him in it for full episodes lol.
All I can feel is apathy. Turn off the sound and you'll see what I mean, without the music, this is a big nothingburger.
TBH I would rather watch a full on dedicated show about the nicely dressed very evil much red saber inquizicitioioion lady hunting the cowardly jedi through the universe by using her spais and infiltrating secret rebel hidouts and such, than boobi van doing some pointless rounds telling aliens to quit smoking. We already know what happens to him later and I'm tired of only seeing everyone turning into soft and fluffy (mando, bubba fat) and getting redeemed and such bullcorn.
Gimme a full on villain, her story of slicing and dicing and cunning and lying and cheating! Preferably with a 16+ rating at least (cos of limbs and heads flying , not the incest stuff, looking at you HBO...) but I know I'm asking for way too much at this point.