Let's talk piracy


ADI Spai
Feb 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Woady McWoadface
I have some [CONCERN]s that when PU drops we will be able to fly, but that's about it. We will have absolutely no idea what we're doing. Normally that's not such a bad thing, HOWEVER I think as pirates we will routinely be outnumbered, outgunned and more than likely outclassed. And probably outsobered.
I BELIEEEEEVE this should be remedied post-f*cking-haste. So all those who will play with PALS should probably get on a PTU server together and practice picking on everything that moves. Maybe MAYBE develop some semblance of cohesive strategy (strategy may be too strong a word) that will allow us to at least shoot in the same direction.

That said, how are we going about this whole piracy thing. Lock down travel lanes and demand tolls? If we go that route -and we were just talking about this on Discord- then we will be REQUIRED to honor that arrangement and probably punish anyone who breaches it because they're asshattery will cost the rest of us a lot of space dollars.
What about other player pirate factions? Do we wage a religious genocide or peacefully (relative to religious genocide) coexist? How about letting upstart pirate gangs operate in our territory and take a percentage of their cut in payment (passive piracy)?
And on the subject of bounty hunters: we will be cruel to the bounty hunters. Lock them in their own holding cells, scuttle/breach their ships and leave them to die. Eject them from their own airlocks wearing nothing but duct tape (or equivalent) around their wrists and ankles. tie them to their toilets and force them to listen to hours of Morgan Freeman extolling the virtues of Test PALS.

So the name of my Redeemer is Runs With Scissors. How about y'all?


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I doubt we'll have a good chance at piracy until a bit later in the current baby PU as every ship blows up when subjected to a warning shot. Item 2.0 should help with this when it's fully implemented.

I won't have much of a fighter in my fleet, but I could follow around in my Reclaimer or Caterpillar if wanted. Unless I'm doing RR stuff.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
What happens in the event that a Testie is escorting some rube for cash, and then a Test pirate comes to relieve them of their goods. You fire on the Test Pirate Best Pirate, you have serious beefs back here, but if you let your ORG mate get away with the goods you'll miss your pay day and be accused of collusion...


ADI Spai
Feb 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Woady McWoadface
What about a blockade? Find some popular hangout, be it a rich mining planet, gas giant or popular wormhole and only let test members use it. Everybody else...

I left blockades out because they take a lot of manpower to pull off and I doubt we'll have that much cohesion for the first few months, but blockading a premo asteroid belt and charging a user fee would be lucrative....


ADI Spai
Feb 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Woady McWoadface
What happens in the event that a Testie is escorting some rube for cash, and then a Test pirate comes to relieve them of their goods. You fire on the Test Pirate Best Pirate, you have serious beefs back here, but if you let your ORG mate get away with the goods you'll miss your pay day and be accused of collusion...
We talked about this on Discord as well. If you see a Testie Escort you LEAVE IT ALONE . That way you're not risking a political incident inside Test AND word spreads that even Test pirates honor their agreements, thereby making a toll system more feasible because now people will know that when you pay us, we wWILL honor it.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I have some [CONCERN]s that when PU drops we will be able to fly, but that's about it. We will have absolutely no idea what we're doing. Normally that's not such a bad thing, HOWEVER I think as pirates we will routinely be outnumbered, outgunned and more than likely outclassed. And probably outsobered.
I BELIEEEEEVE this should be remedied post-f*cking-haste. So all those who will play with PALS should probably get on a PTU server together and practice picking on everything that moves. Maybe MAYBE develop some semblance of cohesive strategy (strategy may be too strong a word) that will allow us to at least shoot in the same direction.

That said, how are we going about this whole piracy thing. Lock down travel lanes and demand tolls? If we go that route -and we were just talking about this on Discord- then we will be REQUIRED to honor that arrangement and probably punish anyone who breaches it because they're asshattery will cost the rest of us a lot of space dollars.
What about other player pirate factions? Do we wage a religious genocide or peacefully (relative to religious genocide) coexist? How about letting upstart pirate gangs operate in our territory and take a percentage of their cut in payment (passive piracy)?
And on the subject of bounty hunters: we will be cruel to the bounty hunters. Lock them in their own holding cells, scuttle/breach their ships and leave them to die. Eject them from their own airlocks wearing nothing but duct tape (or equivalent) around their wrists and ankles. tie them to their toilets and force them to listen to hours of Morgan Freeman extolling the virtues of Test PALS.

So the name of my Redeemer is Runs With Scissors. How about y'all?
Did I missed something? Since when all TESTies are pirates? I never planned to be into pirates and never will be. Hate those guys anyway.
If TEST will be some day 100% pirate based - I am 100% outta here (hopefully that both won't happen).

That said, I like to mention that SC will be kind of open world. So there will definitely be lots of places to play hide & seek. So my suggestion: build up a TEST pirate party using this thread for instance ;) ), buy yourself a capital ship as a base where you meet, repair etc. and, well, do pirating (or how do you ever name it). Everyone will find their places, but for sure you won't (or shouldn't) be there where the righteous players are (in general) for SC will implement the mentioned bounty hunting system which will consist of both, KI and real players.
Sidenote: in my opinion only a very small percentage of players will play as pirates. It will be definitely the hardcore way to play SC.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
But on a serious note, lots of theorycrafting can be built, but the simple matter is that we don't know a lot of mechanics.

Obviously TEST will have a strict no friendly fire rule on fellow TESTies, whether you're a pirate, bounty hunter, cargo hauler, miner, etc etc. That's a given.

But beyond that I think most pirate crews should honestly do their own thing. Some people want to board and murder everything, and that's not exactly how I want to roll. But who am I to judge?

My personal crew of merry lads (at last count THREE WHOLE PEOPLE!) will be negotiating first, and then opening the dakka second.

Besides, a good chunk of the more hardcore players in TEST will be out in 0.0/Lawless space, where there are no laws or UEE to run to. If someones coming in on your turf and you're going to be shooting them anyway, why not take their stuff after you're done?


ADI Spai
Feb 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Woady McWoadface
Did I missed something? Since when all TESTies are pirates? I never planned to be into pirates and never will be. Hate those guys anyway.
If TEST will be some day 100% pirate based - I am 100% outta here (hopefully that both won't happen).

That said, I like to mention that SC will be kind of open world. So there will definitely be lots of places to play hide & seek. So my suggestion: build up a TEST pirate party using this thread for instance ;) ), buy yourself a capital ship as a base where you meet, repair etc. and, well, do pirating (or how do you ever name it). Everyone will find their places, but for sure you won't (or shouldn't) be there where the righteous players are (in general) for SC will implement the mentioned bounty hunting system which will consist of both, KI and real players.
Sidenote: in my opinion only a very small percentage of players will play as pirates. It will be definitely the hardcore way to play SC.
Not all Testies are gonna be pirates, obviously. Only a handful are. Test already has kind of a piracy division called TEST PALS -Personal Asset Liberation Squadron. Not sure how we're gonna base yet, the capital ship idea ha been tossed around though.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
We talked about this on Discord as well. If you see a Testie Escort you LEAVE IT ALONE . That way you're not risking a political incident inside Test AND word spreads that even Test pirates honor their agreements, thereby making a toll system more feasible because now people will know that when you pay us, we wWILL honor it.
I guarantee you, in any organization with over 9,000 members, there will be asshats committing asshattery

and if we kick 'em out, they'll just rejoin with new accounts and troll harder, knowing they can push our buttons

just relax, go with the flow, and embrace the anarchy

or join ADI if you need lots of rules

there really is no workable middle ground

Kirk B

Apr 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Kirk B
For smaller crew of two or more, pose as ship repair mechanics and respond to calls for repairs, but when repairing plant explosive charges in their engines. Follow them into low sec space and blow their engines, then have a friend board them, kick them out under threat of death or kneecapping, take their ship, fly it to extra hangar, either keep as trophy and repair, or strip it and sell weapons and systems on grey/ legitimate market, and sell ship on black market ensuring max profit. And don't do it to other test members.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I guarantee you, in any organization with over 9,000 members, there will be asshats committing asshattery

and if we kick 'em out, they'll just rejoin with new accounts and troll harder, knowing they can push our buttons

just relax, go with the flow, and embrace the anarchy

or join ADI if you need lots of rules

there really is no workable middle ground


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Atlas Defense Industries. They're a little bit overzealous and overregulated. Very big on hierarchical command set ups, doing things by the book, getting certified to fly all of the ships you've already earned, and making a game seem like work. Basically, the complete antithesis of TEST.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Just read through ADIs promo page. After all they are 100% against piracy which makes them not too unsympathetic.




...and then I read through the TEST promo, laughed my arse off - which is, again, the twelvedozentrillionthsz time, rounded to two decimal figures - and have to reconfirm, again: TEST squadron BEST squadron. No doubt that. :D


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I think as soon as you organize pirates, are no longer pirates. The only advantage they have is in anonymity, and in this game, that's not possible since you get an automatic price on your head. If you think a capital or two would help, you're deluding yourself. There are 5 to1 good guilds that would love to take down a pirate ship. And, I agree with AstroSamantha, you would have your own Guildies going after you. The idea of this guild is to be what you want to be, be it pirate or bounty hunter. You may want to organize a sub-guild or join someone like the Syndicate or the Vikings, small, agile , and dangerous. Don't get me wrong, being a pirate would be fun. Just expect to be isolated.
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