3.5 is alive


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Unfortunately, my launcher seems committed to living in the past and won't download the newest patch. >_>


EDIT: Okey, just as I'm posting this, trying to find any "check for updates" button, I tried using "Analyze game files". That seemed to trigger the update.
So on the launcher > Settings > Analyze game files ("Verify")


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
@August, thanks! And here I thought I could actually get to bed before midnight 30 for once this week. Nope. lol but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Unfortunately, my launcher seems committed to living in the past and won't download the newest patch. >_>

EDIT: Okey, just as I'm posting this, trying to find any "check for updates" button, I tried using "Analyze game files". That seemed to trigger the update.
So on the launcher > Settings > Analyze game files ("Verify")
It looks like you missed a couple of updates. When that happened to me last summer and fall, I had to use the Validate option in the Settings tab. That worked on one of 2 systems I had SC installed on. If that doesn't work, you can download the game from scratch, be warned it's 50GB. There are probably a few workarounds in between, but I wasn't in the mood back then.

Someone else might be able to suggest one of the other ways that might work.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Bah Hum... uh, what does the Easter Bunny say? He's a rabbit, and I'm in the US. No holiday for me. On the upside, no snow or even freezing rain this year. And they carry Tim Horton's at the grocery store now, so it's not all that bad.

There are some interesting problems with this build.
  • There was an aurora at Port Olisar that danced like a chicken for a full 3 minutes while the owner and I stood and watched it.
  • The HUD misalignment is different, not fixed on some ships.
  • Landing in Lorville was fun, the hanger had a no fly zone in the entrance.
  • The elevator doors don't open properly, actually it looks. like 2 sets of doors,. One opens, the other does not.
    • OR it is one set of doors, and they do the funky chicken.
    • Edit - The closed doors are phantom, so you can pass through them.
Then it was 2:15 am, and I could use some sleep now.


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Added a question to the release notes:
"Is the issue with putting an Ursa Rover or Dragonfly/Nox into a Constellation cargo bay fixed? Wasn't able to put those in for a few updates. "



Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Unfortunately, my launcher seems committed to living in the past and won't download the newest patch. >_>

View attachment 12481

EDIT: Okey, just as I'm posting this, trying to find any "check for updates" button, I tried using "Analyze game files". That seemed to trigger the update.
So on the launcher > Settings > Analyze game files ("Verify")
I'm running into the same issue, I downloaded the update but underneath Launch Game it still says version 3.3.6. I've hit verify a few times and it's not changing.

EDIT: So the help section actually helped lol. Under "Game Version Won't Update In Launcher" the steps listed are:

  1. Ensure your launcher is fully closed.
  2. Right-click on the Windows icon and select Run.
  3. Enter %appdata% and click Ok. This opens Users\CurrentProfile\Appdata\Roaming.
  4. Delete the "rsilauncher" folder.
  5. Re-open the Launcher
Worked for me and didn't have to redownload a second time. Hope it helps anyone else with the same issue
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Space Marshal
Oct 16, 2016
RSI Handle
There are some interesting problems with this build.
  • There was an aurora at Port Olisar that danced like a chicken for a full 3 minutes while the owner and I stood and watched it.
  • The HUD misalignment is different, not fixed on some ships.
  • Landing in Lorville was fun, the hanger had a no fly zone in the entrance.
  • The elevator doors don't open properly, actually it looks. like 2 sets of doors,. One opens, the other does not.
    • OR it is one set of doors, and they do the funky chicken.
    • Edit - The closed doors are phantom, so you can pass through them.
Then it was 2:15 am, and I could use some sleep now.
I enjoyed some of these issues also. Bounty markers are not working either, even after doing the 'untrack'/'track' trick. I also got kicked after about 20 minutes of gameplay. I'll try again later...
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
have managed to have a play session, the only glitches were as follows:

- I could not get the hair to work. Scrolling through styles and colors, it just would not select what I was clicking on and sometimes showing different colors to the ones I was choosing.
- Landed my 300i on top of the Javalin Wreck on Daymar. It was as if the wreck was made of Ice, the ship just slid and slid on its own even when landing on the flat part, and would not stop until it fell off and I had to fly again.
- Landed on Daymar too, then took off into orbit and was looking for Quantum markers when I rubber-banded back to the surface, but within half a second I was back in space but now stationary...
- The above happened again, but this time it put me on the Desktop too but the game didn't crash... it was still running so clicked back into it then QD'd away to any place I could as I decided this was the Bermuda Triangle.

Had my fun so back to Oli. Will go over to Arc Corp when I can fly in atmosphere without using 70% of my H fuel. No point flying into a planets atmosphere if i'm going to then be marooned there.
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