A rant in general about the Official Starcitizen Forums.


Space Marshal
Jun 17, 2018
RSI Handle
Back to the OP topic here (sorry for being a thread necromancer).
Edit - actually referring to the I believe third post of the OP.

But as you can see by the looks of my Avatar that's obviously THE topic I hope get the most out of the game.

I'm living in fear that missing toilets is going to be a tendency with Drake Industries. I mean it's Drake. I didn't expect luxury here. But buying a ship the size of a Caterpillar I sincerly expected to relieve myself properly in it. Instead I found this in the command module:


What is worse. Looking at the sign on the wall where I hoped to relax my stinker I received a death threat from the shower into which I'm obviusly supposed to pee now! Will this shower actually electrify me if I use it and the ship doesn't recognize me as an authorized engineer? This was a shock!

Well at least someone finally found a viable solution for the Cutlass:
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Back to the OP topic here (sorry for being a thread necromancer).
Edit - actually referring to the I believe third post of the OP.

But as you can see by the looks of my Avatar that's obviously THE topic I hope get the most out of the game.

I'm living in fear that missing toilets is going to be a tendency with Drake Industries. I mean it's Drake. I didn't expect luxury here. But buying a ship the size of a Caterpillar I sincerly expected to relieve myself properly in it. Instead I found this in the command module:
View attachment 9934


What is worse. Looking at the sign on the wall where I hoped to relax my stinker I received a death threat from the shower into which I'm obviusly supposed to pee now! Will this shower actually electrify me if I use it and the ship doesn't recognize me as an authorized engineer? This was a shock!

Well at least someone finally found a viable solution for the Cutlass:
You ain't never heard of Sketti dancin'? Its where yah shit in the shower and stomp it down through the drain, makin shit sketti. That there is cost effective.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm not sure I have that in my heart.:fearful:
Dig deep. Feel the poverty run through you. That's why poor folk (Read: Drake owners) have such a strict diet of vending machine noodles. Big Benny's = Chocolate rain THEREFORE (f = Force of Chocolate rain\ Shower Grate) (F = Force of High-fiber dook\ Shower Grate) fx < Fx



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
But as you can see by the looks of my Avatar that's obviously THE topic I hope get the most out of the game.
I am aiming to make my billions out of toilet rolls.

Phase 1: At first I'll haul 'em from the tree covered planet Terra where i'll be apble to buy them a penny a piece to absolutely anywhere and everywhere that needs it, there is a constant consumption of it so there will be constant demand.

Phase 2: Once I have enough credits I will purchase a wing of 350R's and a wing of RSI Connie Taurus. When a Service Beacon goes up for some bumwad, my 350's will race to that cubicle or porta-john at top speeds, selling the poor unfortunate trapped within a roll at top dolla. Once their immediate need is satisfied, a Taurus will be bringing up the rear (no pun intended) with a cargo hold stuffed with golden rolls which they can then fill their cargo-holds/stations with. The Jumpworks 350R would be particularly good at getting out to Explorer ships as it has pedigree in the 315p, those Explorers will be a big money maker as they'll be loathed to come back to port 3 months into a 6 month voyage just for some poopy-paper.

Phase 3: Phase three of the plan, getting a land-claim on some tree-covered planet somewhere and making my own manufacturing plant, farming the trees responsibly in what would become a renewable source of steady income that would go on to be a money printing machine.

Phase 4: Once able to make a reliable and stable income of millions a day, I would then turn philanthropist my aim to bring relief to the darkest corners of the empire... There are some systems like Cathcart which have no planets and other systems have no planets capable of growing trees - no trees means no paper which risks the costs of brining in toilet tissue to such a system unviable, especially Cathcart where the locals ravaged by crime and missing an economy will be too poor to afford such inflated TP costs... My plan for these unfortunate places: a mobile space-based manufacturing plant built around the Biomes of the MISC Endeavor! Trees force-grown quickly in those Biomes and processed into rolls in the very same ship... where there is a need, there will be relief, In all corners of the Empire there will be a Bog-Roll for every citizen.

I don't expect there to be any of the above mechanics in the final game, but if there are... I will become the Bum-wad Billionaire.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
Okay lets be honest it is kind of inevitable, sure there has been some progress but there is not enough game development progress to keep people happy on the forums. They want the whole game and in some respects things are much in the same position now as when I first backed, i.e. there are still loads of concepts there is still a huge pile of ships in the waiting list (which is growing and some do not even get mentioned for years) the game development is very much promising jam tomorrow still. This project is large maybe to large.

Clearly it makes sense to just go away and play something else but no lets all shit post the forums!


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Okay lets be honest it is kind of inevitable, sure there has been some progress but there is not enough game development progress to keep people happy on the forums. They want the whole game and in some respects things are much in the same position now as when I first backed, i.e. there are still loads of concepts there is still a huge pile of ships in the waiting list (which is growing and some do not even get mentioned for years) the game development is very much promising jam tomorrow still. This project is large maybe to large.

Clearly it makes sense to just go away and play something else but no lets all shit post the forums!
‘Waffle Stomp’ the forums.


Space Marshal
Jun 17, 2018
RSI Handle
Dig deep. Feel the poverty run through you. That's why poor folk (Read: Drake owners) have such a strict diet of vending machine noodles. Big Benny's = Chocolate rain THEREFORE (f = Force of Chocolate rain\ Shower Grate) (F = Force of High-fiber dook\ Shower Grate) fx < Fx [/SPOILER]
Finally someone who can explain physics in way I can understand it :slight_smile:

I ca

l call it- I mean... I've heard it called the 'waffle stomp' because of the waffle-like appearance of the drain cover.
That's much better. I like waffles.

I am aiming to make my billions out of toilet rolls.

Phase 1: At first I'll haul 'em from the tree covered planet Terra where i'll be apble to buy them a penny a piece to absolutely anywhere and everywhere that needs it, there is a constant consumption of it so there will be constant demand.

Phase 2: Once I have enough credits I will purchase a wing of 350R's and a wing of RSI Connie Taurus.
Stop right there! I like your plan in general. It's very elaborate. But I think I spottet a serious flaw right here. Tell me this: does the 350R have a toilet?
If not I don't want to hear about it!

Clearly it makes sense to just go away and play something else but no lets all shit post the forums!
I like shit posts. Posting shit. Do you really think if everyone stopped posting shit we'd be living in a post-shit age? I think not. Probably not ever. Guess we'll just have to endure it.

On second thought it's probably better to flush some of it. I think that's what I'm going to do right now, literally, before I enter my ship because there I can't. After all, this is about getting relieve...

...which is denied to me as a Drake Owner! I want justice!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Stop right there! I like your plan in general. It's very elaborate. But I think I spottet a serious flaw right here. Tell me this: does the 350R have a toilet?
If not I don't want to hear about it!
Rework is coming - it could end up being all toilet!


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
This kind of thing is what the side doors are for on the Cutlass. It's also handy to manage other pilots following too close, or for untoward reasons. Now, it is unclear exactly how cold one's buns would get, exposed to the raw vacuum of space, but it is clearly a better use for the side doors than my previously stated use of the side doors, because cold buns don't shrivel and try to hide around your kidneys.
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