Well, i used a base image of the Warthog with a template of control mapping that i got for free from thrustmaster, then just edited it in Photoshop lol
However, im sure i could write either a webpage or a program, program might be easier, to actually let you do it, it actually could be feasible to have either one take the exported SC control profile search for keywords and assign text labels to specific spots on an image based on the controls setup in the exported profile.
Ill look into it for ya ;)
EDIT: this maybe 100% feasible as the exported profiles are Simple XML sheets. Im loooking into it, here is an example of what my xml looks like, and how i would keyword it. I may have to start a new thread to see if there is interest in something like this...
XML File Excerpt:
<deviceoptions name="Joystick - HOTAS Warthog">
<option input="x" deadzone="0.015"/>
<option input="y" deadzone="0.015"/>
<options type="keyboard" instance="1"/>
<options type="joystick" instance="1"/>
<options type="joystick" instance="2"/>
<modifiers />
<actionmap name="spaceship_general">
<action name="v_self_destruct">
<rebind input="js2_button22" multiTap="2"/>
<action name="v_exit">
<rebind input="js2_button23"/>
<action name="v_eject">
<rebind input="js1_button19"/>
<action name="v_toggle_cabin_lights">
<rebind input="js1_button3"/>
Keywords program would search for would be anything under "action name" ex:
<action name="v_eject"> --- Keyword, assigns action name
<rebind input="js1_button19"/> -- Keyword, tells where action need to be put on the image.
Ill see if i can test a couple theories using Dreamweaver, and Microsoft Visual Studio, come up with base examples of both options.