Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
shit man, that sucks
hope she gets better soon
and in the meantime, at least it's not covid, eh?
At least its not covid! She should be coming home today, was getting a bunch of IV antibiotics and stuff. Couldn't go see her but shes fine on her own. If it was the virus, id be laughing at her, in a way of course only family members can do to each other ;) . All the time she'd tell me she wasnt worried about it, and i kept telling her she'd be sorry when she does get it. Shes always the "i told you so" person in the family, so you gotta dish it back.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
At least its not covid! She should be coming home today, was getting a bunch of IV antibiotics and stuff. Couldn't go see her but shes fine on her own. If it was the virus, id be laughing at her, in a way of course only family members can do to each other ;) . All the time she'd tell me she wasnt worried about it, and i kept telling her she'd be sorry when she does get it. Shes always the "i told you so" person in the family, so you gotta dish it back.
Your aunt sounds feisty. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It just means her mind is made up.
I hope she has a speedy recovery.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Goings on from around the world as reported today Monday 1st of June:

- Spain: First day with no new COVID deaths since March.

- Italy: A doctor stated that Coronavirus no longer exists in the country, sparking quite the sizable row.

- World/US: One of the top people in the WHO indicates they would still like to collaborate with the US, and observed that the only contact they have as yet had from the US about this was Mr. trumps statement.

- Malaysia: Reports this country has not had a COVID death in ten days.

- Germany: The "R" reproduction rate for yeaterday sat at 1.04 suggesting the infection was spreading actively again, with 333 new infections and 11 new deaths.

- UK: Researchers aghast at the rate of trust lost in the government and other ministers in the face of lockdown breaches "“I have never in 10 years of research in this area seen a drop in trust like what we have seen for the UK government in the course of six weeks" who are now “far more widely seen as a source of concern over false or misleading information” Reuters Institute director Rasmus Kleis Nielsen stated. If the heads of the UK were secretly harboring wishes for a Herd Immunity strategy and didn't want to take the blame for it, this and instances of people now breaking lockdown probably has them, if they were, rubbing their hands with glee. The UK saw 1,936 new cases yesterday with 113 new deaths.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
- UK: Researchers aghast at the rate of trust lost in the government and other ministers in the face of lockdown breaches "“I have never in 10 years of research in this area seen a drop in trust like what we have seen for the UK government in the course of six weeks" who are now “far more widely seen as a source of concern over false or misleading information” Reuters Institute director Rasmus Kleis Nielsen stated. If the heads of the UK were secretly harboring wishes for a Herd Immunity strategy and didn't want to take the blame for it, this and instances of people now breaking lockdown probably has them, if they were, rubbing their hands with glee. The UK saw 1,936 new cases yesterday with 113 new deaths.
That is interesting. There is no silver bullet, the next virus that comes will cause the same chaos and put every country on their heels. Problem is every rogue country now knows that it can be effective because of deniability (their population suffered too). Every virus is its own personality. We need more super computers to work "reasonable" simulations - hopefully this is not going to take 3 or more pandemics to get it right. Lock downs only work for a specific period of time... too little lock down causes the health system to be overrun... too long lock down, people start causing problems out of boredom. Prime example when people are not working/going to school/generally busy, confused by the current state, they begin to start problems - idle hands proverb.

Nanotech is still in its infancy but this is a great time to research the hell out of it and it can make the threat less viable - if we have the flexibility to heal people, then the bioweapon or virus becomes inert and just an annoyance.

Nanotechnology tools can be adapted to detect, to treat, and to prevent this disease.

Nanoparticles can disable these pathogens even before they break into the body, as they hold on to different objects and surfaces, the report said. His lab has developed materials that can be sprayed on objects to form nanoparticles and attack viruses.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Corona Virus reports from around the world for today Tuesday 2nd of June:

- China/World: Recordings of meetings at the WHO obtained by the Associated Press indicate China delayed releasing the Gnome of COVID-19 for over a week in January and stalled another two weeks on other relevant information.

- UK: The UK Statistics Authority criticizes the governments use of figures in regard to testing, stating they appear to be trying to show "the largest number of tests, even at the expense of understanding".

- Pakistan: Lockdown appears to be forced to lift for economic reasons. The population has been told under no uncertain terms that the virus is still out there and that "if people take care they can live with the virus". Apparently 130 million to 150 million people under financial strain, imaging 50% of the population of America going for social security and the strain starts to be put in context.

- UK: Office of National Statistics shows official death toll for CV is now 50,032.

- New Zealand: Runaway success story New Zealand is discussing bringing forward lifting of restrictions to Level 1, which is basically lifted in everything but closed boarders following no COVID cases for 11 days in a row.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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He's a tricksy little bugger, isn't he?

Original post edited to indicate it was not the WHO who released this info, it was recordings of meetings at the WHO which were obtained by Associated Press. Gotta got it right, 'aint I?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Goings on in Corina news from today 3rd June:

(Except this one from yesterday which I missed)
- China: Wuhans 9 million tests result in no new active sufferers, but 300 asymptomatic carriers who were spreading but didn't know they were carrying.

- Sweden: Originator of their Virus Response admits there have been too many deaths compared to their neighboring countries who had stronger lockdowns.

- UK: Daily deaths spike suggests the United Kingdoms downward trend has stalled.

- World/USA: Data from US firm Surgestphere which influenced the course of COVID-19 hydroxychloroquine trials across the world called in to question as it becomes obvious data and methodology may not be conclusive, to the point where several trials that were suspended have now been reinstated including those being conducted by the WHO themselves.

- Brazil: Death toll encroaching on Italy, if they overtake only the UK and USA will have a higher total.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
A bit interesting, but I'd point to it looking hella potent in Brazil still to suggest it's still capable of taking plenty of lives... Perhaps it's losing its potency in Italy as most of the people who were going to die from it have died from it and with their distancing measures its not been able to reach much more of the population who could still succumb...? *reads article* erm... what they said.

Then again, if it is weakening, could there be something to do with a virus hijacking a hosts cells to make copies that could help it become more... compatible(?)... with a host and less likely to kill them? It's not beneficial to a virus to kill the animals which incubate it.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Thats a really good hypothesis.

Then again, if it is weakening, could there be something to do with a virus hijacking a hosts cells to make copies that could help it become more... compatible(?)... with a host and less likely to kill them? It's not beneficial to a virus to kill the animals which incubate it.

I figured I'd also take a second to explain my perspective as someone living in Florida for those of you outside the country or aren't familiar with the state. The virus doesn't exist. There is no news on it, most places are opened up and it seems even the NBA is moving here. The map I was following from the department of health shows the daily deaths just plummeted, no more deaths, virus over. The biggest thing on the news now is the riots, and the same media outlets that were demonizing lockdown protestors and states who opened back up are actively encouraging the protests. This virus has created a monster and its growing day by day. It's fucking unreal. If this is all a big psyop, then bravo. I said it was coming, and I still don't believe it.

You see what road we've gone down. I don't see sunshine and rainbows on the horizon.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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I figured I'd also take a second to explain my perspective as someone living in Florida for those of you outside the country or aren't familiar with the state. The virus doesn't exist.
I would not have ever guessed that there would be a bigger story this summer, heading into the fall, that would be bigger than the virus.

The number of cases we are going to see in about two weeks from now will be staggering.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Thats a really good hypothesis.

I figured I'd also take a second to explain my perspective as someone living in Florida for those of you outside the country or aren't familiar with the state. The virus doesn't exist. There is no news on it, most places are opened up and it seems even the NBA is moving here. The map I was following from the department of health shows the daily deaths just plummeted, no more deaths, virus over. The biggest thing on the news now is the riots, and the same media outlets that were demonizing lockdown protestors and states who opened back up are actively encouraging the protests. This virus has created a monster and its growing day by day. It's fucking unreal. If this is all a big psyop, then bravo. I said it was coming, and I still don't believe it.

You see what road we've gone down. I don't see sunshine and rainbows on the horizon.
But it isn't over though and the virus definitely still exists. I'll like to think that we now have a handle on it due to a combination of lock downs, more wide spread use of PPE, and social distancing. Saying the virus 'doesn't exist' anymore is premature and dangerous. Even in my Province which is down to the single digits of new cases (4 new cases, 0 deaths yesterday), the authorities are still wary of lifting all restrictions.

I'm all in favour of lifting restrictions and getting society back to normal, I'm personally keen to get back to work. That said, I understand things may not go back to the way it was and some anti-Covid19 measures will still be maintained. I have in my hands a copy of my industry's Covid19 'Get back to work safely guidelines' in PDF form and it's quite extensive. In short we need to be vigilant. I see this as a lull, a time for our health care workers to rest, recuperate, and restock critical supplies. A time for regular folks to catch their breath. Come Fall, the Virus will be back and if we're not careful it'll be back with a Vengeance.

Something tells me we'll continue to bump this thread into the last quarter of the year.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Saying the virus 'doesn't exist' anymore is premature and dangerous.
I should have clarified, that is the perception I have and it seems my neighbors, family and friends have. We know it didn't just go away but with the news cycle you are getting just bits of info on it now.

Come Fall, the Virus will be back and if we're not careful it'll be back with a Vengeance.

You're right, unfortunately I think people are not going into lockdown next time here in the US unless its REALLY bad. We will be too preoccupied with everything else going on anyways imo. We have an election coming up and you better believe they are going to turn the tribal partisan knob up to 12 for all parties, because its already smoking and on 11. We still have ongoing investigations behind closed doors and no more economic bailouts worth a shit to anyone who really needs it. The message is out there that governments cant quell mass civil unrest, which only shows people that they can do whatever they want as a mob and will have minimal repercussions if any at all. There is a structure everyone is used to, it IS life and how everything works here in the US. Well, everything might not work that way anymore. The world is trembling. [ Ominous metaphor ]

I'm sure the restructuring of the worlds economy is going to be reaaaal easy.

Oh, and welcome to the new cold war.

Hot topics in the background:

Chynaaa. (they dont like us, we dont like them, were both swinging our dicks around. Theyre pressing their dick against india as well)
Russia. ("We just changed our nuclear doctrine to let the world know we will use nukes against conventional attacks. For no reason.")
Middle east. (where do I start? Trying to figure our whats going on is like trying to untangle a cat stuck in a ball of yarn)
Venezuela. (Disregarding sanctions, receiving oil from Iran, which is a big no no)
Iran. (bad)
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I should have clarified, that is the perception I have and it seems my neighbors, family and friends have. We know it didn't just go away but with the news cycle you are getting just bits of info on it now.
Yeah that was weird. I was just asking myself the other day. Err the Pandemic is still going on. Guys? Guys!?


The Media is pretty much like Golden Retrievers with poor attention spans. They'll latch on to the next shiny news story. I don't blame that on any Psyops or conspiracy story. I blame it solely on modern 24/7 Cable News as For-Profit and 'Ratings' driven. Doesn't matter whether it's Fox News or CNN, they want the viewership and this is a gold mine for them. Killer Mike, a Hip Hop Artist I really respect called out CNN last week and the media in general for their shenanigans.

People are not going into lockdown next time here in the US unless its REALLY bad. We will be too preoccupied with everything else going on anyways imo. We have an election coming up and you better believe they are going to turn the tribal partisan knob up to 12 for all parties, because its already smoking and on 11.
I think lockdowns are done. I highly doubt any country will bring them back even if the virus comes back hard. The economic price is something no governments want to pay. People will just have to practise social distancing and wear PPE. It's up to us to take care of ourselves and each other. I just pray that our health care facilities are up to task come the inevitable 2nd Wave.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Yep, looks like we gonna try the herd immunity strategy after all.
No choice man. If we implement restrictive lockdowns again, a ton of small/medium businesses (those who didn't already) will go under. Individuals, businesses, and whole countries will literally go bankrupt. The economic price is just too much to bear.

I don't think it's so much herd immunity as it is a mitigated response. The whole point is to keep the curve flat and protect our health care facilities. Test, contact trace, and nip it in the bud the moment there are localized outbreaks. I think we'll be ok as people will have PPE stocked up and ready to go and are already used to personal social distancing. Most active businesses are already practising some form of social distancing anyway and we're carry on doing this for the rest of the year at the very least. Just gotta keep at it till we develop a vaccine, antivirals, or the virus loses it's potency or whatever. The onus is on us as individuals to do the right thing.

Slight silver lining though...With all these measures in place, the annual Flu season shouldn't hit us as hard (fingers crossed).
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Vice Admiral
Jul 22, 2017
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