Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Ohh I actually have one of those. I bought it as a joke cause I wanted to look like Bane. Turns out they work alright. The 'valves' actually have filters in them as well.
Good to know your model does 🙂

The cartridge filter intake ones I had to rely upon in the food industry didn't, and I'm pretty sure the ones I've seen for sale online recently don't as the replaceable inserts supplied with them clearly have holes in intended for the valves.

It's pretty hard to tell if it does or doesn't without asking the person to take it off, too... Unless the government equips everyone with an official mask, we're left with whatever we can cobble together or source online be it suitable or not.

Still, something is better than nothing, it took far roo long to get to the point were we were encouraged to wear them in the first place. We'll see how this goes :like:
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Good to know your model does 🙂

The cartridge filter intake ones I had to rely upon in the food industry didn't, and I'm pretty sure the ones I've seen for sale online recently don't as the replaceable inserts supplied with them clearly have holes in intended for the valves.

It's pretty hard to tell if it does or doesn't without asking the person to take it off, too... Unless the government equips everyone with an official mask, we're left with whatever we can cobble together or source online be it suitable or not.

Still, something is better than nothing, it took far roo long to get to the point were we were encouraged to wear them in the first place. We'll see how this goes :like:
Yeah I just tested the mask. Air passes out of it, it doesn't get in. Air intake is through the mask part which has a filter.
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Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
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Just linking the headline of this article because wow....go journalism!

Arizona health officials report 1,813 new coronavirus cases, -1 new deaths

But at least it appears, for the moment, things are getting better. Instead of 10 kicks to the nuts, its only 9 now!
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Just linking the headline of this article because wow....go journalism!

Arizona health officials report 1,813 new coronavirus cases, -1 new deaths

But at least it appears, for the moment, things are getting better. Instead of 10 kicks to the nuts, its only 9 now!
451 not available in my country. I'm going to take it the minus one is the first case of reanimation and we are looking at the beginning of a zombie style issue.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Monday 27th of July:

- UK: Becomes 9th country to pass 300,000 confirmed cases.

- World: Price of gold reaches record high of $1944.73 an ounce, officially more expensive per ounce than the popes piss.

- Spain: Catholic Church at risk of penalties from Catalonian government for holding rule breaching mass.

- US: National Security advisor becomes highest ranking official in administration to test positive for the contagion.

- UK: Pet cat the first case of human to animal transmission of COVID-19 in the country, having contracted the condition from its owner. Both have now recovered.

- Scotland: No new virus deaths for 11th day in a row, while 270 remain under hospital treatment.

- Germany: Intentions stated to test all travelers coming in from places considered to be high risk due to level and number of infections.

- China: Authorities plan to test all 6 million residents of north-eastern city of Dalian.

- US: Vaccine from a company called Moderna enters phase 3 clinical trials: large scale human testing on 30,000 volunteers.

- Belgium: Prime Minister warns if cases cannot be bought back under control a complete lockdown will have to be reintroduced.

- Indonesia: Passes 100,000 confirmed cases.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Before all this silliness I was supposed to head out to Bali with the lady friend for my birthday. Oh well.
I've seen plenty of childhood school friends on my social networks saying all their plans are off for the foreseeable.

I was already two steps ahead of them by not only not making any plans, but also by not having the means to do so in the first place. 😅


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I've seen plenty of childhood school friends on my social networks saying all their plans are off for the foreseeable. I was already two steps ahead of them by not only not making any plans in the first place, but also by not having the means to. 😅
Yeah I was supposed to do a trip to Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia. I have family in some of those countries. Bali was supposed to be strictly for leisure. :P
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 28th of July:

- Europe: Several officials of several countries state their concern that the bloc is heading into the second wave as restrictions return across the region.

- US: $1 trillion COVID response funding proposal sets aside $53 million for cyber security.

- US: Trump Juniors Twitter account suspended/limited for spreading misleading pandemic information after sharing a hydroxychloroquine video which, despite the wealth of evidence and ongoing trials, is still being touted as a miracle cure/preventative.

- World: Global tourism hit to the tune of $320 billion.

- UK: Museum of London to host audio recordings of the same London streets from in 1928 and in Lockdown 2020, with the Lockdown ones being, apparently, far quieter.

- Pakistan: Protests erupt against short term lockdown closure of retail businesses.

- North Korea: City of Kaesong placed on total lockdown.

- World: World Health Organization indicates that COVID-19 will not be seasonal like the Flu, and we will see one big wave which we are still in the first sweep of, not one that comes in and out with winter and summer. Advises once again the pandemic is still accelerating, not waning.

- Scotland: Continues to see no further COVID deaths.

- Northern Ireland: No COVID deaths for 15th day in a row.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Wednesday 29th of July:

- US: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin in "Red Zone" for COVID outbreaks with each having over 100 new cases per 100,000 residents in the last week.

- US: Close to 1,300 deaths were reported in the 24 hours of Tuesday, the highest number since May.

- US: President trump suggests increase in COVID cases is due to recent protests, however rise is the same in places that have not had any protests as in places that have suggesting that although there may have been contributing factors, it is not the main cause.

- Europe: World Health Organization warns it may be selfish young bastards driving the surging case rates across several countries in the Euro zone.

- Sweden: Neighboring countries Denmark and Norway to lift travel restrictions on visitors from the country from July 30th.

- UK: City of Leeds deploys robot cleaners which identify areas which need disinfecting ans spray an alcohol mist over them to reduce the need for humans who may catch the virus to do it.

- Saudi Arabia: Hajj pilgrimage begins today, but scaled back and with restrictions such as banning international travelers.

- Hong Kong: Reports emerge Medical Services are beginning to be overwhelmed.

- China: 101 new cases reported, the highest number in over 3 months.

- New Zealand: New new cases detected in quarantined travelers, still no community transmission.

- Italy: State of emergency extended to October.

- Germany: Urgent track-and-trace operation underway as a couple return from Manchester UK with the virus. Fifty people are in quarantine with 13 testing positive so far.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I have some scattered thoughts I want to put down in front of me, based mostly on intuition.

A virus is a virus is a virus. A microorganism with, simply speaking, the ability to transfer through the air from person to person, and quickly. I know its just a game, but pandemic is a really straight forward and simple way to present the concept of how a virus spreads. We knew once a few people had it in china and they said they were having a hard time containing it that it just wouldnt be stopped.

Masks help. Washing your hands helps. Staying away from each other helps. By how much has yet to be determined.

Nursing homes have high infectivity rates. Why? Poor hygiene, compromised immune systems, ignorant staff, releasing the elderly from the hospital to go back to the nursing homes. (I wonder if depression has caused a spike in deaths in the nursing homes. Lots of old people go downhill quick when they dont have their loved ones coming to visit them.)

It seems households would be the biggest place of transmission, everyone intimately close to each other every day, stuck inside, bringing home whatever they picked up while they were out.

If you are an 84 year old finnish lady who goes to the busiest places in the area every day, you're probably completely immune (based on my own observations lol)

I still don't trust the data. Not that I'm saying its fake, I just have to question the collection method and the chain of custody, which from the beginning has been fucked. No one was prepared for this and theres incentive to fudge the numbers for financial reasons (maybe political? but then were talking malice, and I don't think that's the case, just incompetence.) If I remember correctly, new rules for data collection were imposed retroactively in some places, which makes me question the accuracy of the data even more. If I were in charge of anything, perfect data collection and analysis would be at the top of my list.

I'm not sure if the protests are really contributing to the rise in cases like some are saying. I mean at face value it would make perfect sense seeing you have a lot of people in close proximity. However, being outside, wearing masks and being young all seem to be a factor as well. I'm still convinced its not a good idea to stay in the house day after day, mainly for people who dont wash their hands, or they hug and kiss their loved ones a lot. Im not certain of the exact circumstances, but I believe house arrest is a problem. Im not saying they should all go to the store or restaurants, just that people need to spend more time outside and away from each other. Get some fresh air, try to maintain your sanity, etc...

UNEMPLOYMENT - Holy S*** , gee golly gosh Batman. I think were in for a slow economic collapse. A slow boil into global turmoil. Im looking 20 years down the road. Sooner if we get into a war, which has never been more likely IMO.

Speaking of war:

Supposedly only 6% of China's population is under CCP control? I just heard that during this testimony from Sec State Pompeo over the State Dept budget. They have no interest in disengaging with the Chinese people, and I don't think anyone would want that. We have no quarrel with the Chinese people, just the CCP and their efforts to become the worlds hegemon. We made it clear not long ago that we recognize none of their territorial claims in the South China sea, and thats where the tension comes from. I guess I have to include the threat to Taiwan and the current assimilation of Hong Kong back into complete Chinese rule. Just keep an eye on this.

If you want more news, just typing in "china" to google search and clicking on the news tab will give you several significant news articles on a broad range of topics.

Food banks. Just type that into twitter search to see local reports about food banks across the country.

TBH I would highly suggest paying attention to everything you can gather from congressional hearings, Testimony, the actions of this government and the language of policy.

That's all for now.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Sad news today


He was diagnosed two weeks after attending the rally, so its not confirmed that he got it there, but its plausible with a two week incubation period before his symptoms got bad.

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Thursday 30th of July:

- UK: Figures reveal England suffered highest excess Deaths Above Average than any other European country.

- UK: Self Isolation requirement of 7 days extended to 10 as evidence indicates even after recovery subjects can still be contagious.

- US: President Trump suggests postponing 2020 election as requirement for mail-in voting due to the virus could cause fraud.

- Australia: Victoria reports worst rise in cases and deaths so far.

- Paraguay: Protests erupt after areas ordered in to lockdown.

- Germany: Economy sees sharpest decline on record.

- Northern Ireland: Contact tracking app released to public.

- UK/Spain: Following new UK quarantine rules on returning from Spain and warnings not to travel there in the first place, package holiday company Jet2 advises its customers currently in Spain to return to the UK immediately.

- UK: one third of furloughed workers already back at work.

- US: New Jersey considers releasing 20% of prisoners as it sees the highest rate of transmission and deaths behind bars.

- Icaland: Lockdown restrictions being put back in place after easing resulted in more cases.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle

He was diagnosed two weeks after attending the rally, so its not confirmed that he got it there, but its plausible with a two week incubation period before his symptoms got bad.

View attachment 18242
Interesting, remember the story about them peeling off all the social distancing stickers from the seats? Honestly, i don't think stickers would have changed anybody's behavior, their stance towards COVID and not taking it seriously was already pretty well-established.

I guess this is something we can all learn of those "teachable moments" so to speak.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting, remember the story about them peeling off all the social distancing stickers from the seats? Honestly, i don't think stickers would have changed anybody's behavior, their stance towards COVID and not taking it seriously was already pretty well-established.

I guess this is something we can all learn of those "teachable moments" so to speak.
Perhaps the phrase "Learning opportunity" should be added to those "Office speak translation" lists, where "Kind Regards" means "Go F yourself" - with "Learning opportunity" meaning "Scrabbling to get something of worth from the shitshow that just happened"...?

Unfortunately during these troubling times, the cost of the lesson is lives - and sometimes the ones who most need to learn the lesson are not always the ones paying for it with their own.

EDIT - I just re read my second paragraph above and it reads like I'm saying some people should kop it. I'm not saying that, but can't think of a way to reword it and it's just so damn poetic I think I'll leave it that way with this disclaimer instead.
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