Getting the band back together...


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
weird what a little itty bitty things like LTI will do to a person's mentality...
people are strange creatures. I just buy warbond these days anyhow I have everything i really want i think i've avoided the last 3 or 4 concept sales so i'm doing fairly well. @DirectorGunner on the other hand cough cough....


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
NaffNaffBobFace is, but knowing CIG, they'll probably change it at some point just to screw with us
I may be the only backer who was told this, but I am sure i was told when i joined that the pledge store was to close at the end of Beta, but further to that it would become less and less viable an option as more and more of the game was completed to the point you'd have to be either very committed to the project or just very stupid to pay $X for something you could earn in the game for a little invested time - the intention that we paid less and played more.

You think people are pissed about the pledge store tweaking the LTI rules now, imagine what will be said when an Aurora MR and Drake Dragonflys are earnable in game in less than an hour - Spectrum will go full retard.

Full Retard.gif


Space Marshal
Jun 17, 2018
RSI Handle
You think people are pissed about the pledge store tweaking the LTI rules now, imagine what will be said when an Aurora MR and Drake Dragonflys are earnable in game in less than an hour - Spectrum will go full retard.

View attachment 9971
Yeah I'd fully expect to be able to keep that Dragonfly from that Lewski Mission (edit: not sure wheteher actually from Lewski or something else I mean that mission they showed way back where you find a brand new Dragonfly in the cargo hold of a derilict ship). Wouldn't you?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah I'd fully expect to be able to keep that Dragonfly from that Lewski Mission (edit: not sure wheteher actually from Lewski or something else I mean that mission they showed way back where you find a brand new Dragonfly in the cargo hold of a derilict ship). Wouldn't you?
Yep, that too.

No way is, or was, a Dragonfly worth $35.

This is why I don't get the people who say they are making a pre-purchase on digital assets: I see their point for huge ships that will take weeks of grinding to get, but for things like the space-bikes they should be super easy to attain in game and not worth anything close to their pledge value.

That, and the fact the Terms Of Service and the tick box in the checkout say you are pledging not purchasing, too.

I could buy a childs tricycle with the intention to sale across the Atlantic on it, it doesn't mean it was designed to do that or that my intention in any way relates to the reality of the situation in any way, shape or form.


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
people are strange creatures. I just buy warbond these days anyhow I have everything i really want i think i've avoided the last 3 or 4 concept sales so i'm doing fairly well. @DirectorGunner on the other hand cough cough....
i did a $10 ccu to some of the newer industry ships, but thats about it, not gaining more ships, just changing ones i already have. Gotta leave room for stuff to do in the game itself whenever it gets released!


May 21, 2018
RSI Handle
i did a $10 ccu to some of the newer industry ships, but thats about it, not gaining more ships, just changing ones i already have. Gotta leave room for stuff to do in the game itself whenever it gets released!
Which is why I went from a Connie/Aurora combo (rather humble, I know, but still...) to a Gladius/Avenger and will try and keep it that way. The most I'm willing to upgrade to is back to my Cutlass/Dragonfly pack, although, as someone previously mentioned, I don't think the bikes will be hard to earn in-game, so I have a hard time justifying buying one.

With that said, I wanna "feel" I earned that Constellation. Or any other ship for that matter. I don't care how long it takes. I'm noticing on the PTU that because most ships are made available... I get bored quickly, because I have everything. I have 100 000 UEC, I have mostly all ships... so I don't want to do missions, or anything for that matter. Now, I do stuff because I want to find bugs and report them but other than that I have no incentive for anything. Which was an eye-opener for me.

P.S. - I have not gotten rid of the Aurora MR, no worries. That ship will be in my will. I'm never getting rid of it! Although, the new Mustang....


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm noticing on the PTU that because most ships are made available... I get bored quickly, because I have everything. I have 100 000 UEC, I have mostly all ships... so I don't want to do missions, or anything for that matter. Now, I do stuff because I want to find bugs and report them but other than that I have no incentive for anything. Which was an eye-opener for me.
See, i'm the exact opposite. I feel like I already have the stuff, so now i can go on adventures with it. The incentive for me is what i can do with it, not the process of getting it. Like, i took the 600i out to Daymar, parked it in orbit, and just looked out the various windows for a while. And, yeah, after 15 minutes of that i got kinda bored (...also the game crashed :/), but i know that if i took it to yela or delamar tomorrow, i could do the exact same thing and have just as much fun. Maybe we don't have a ton of cool places to visit right now, but as soon as they start adding more...

Once the game actually releases, if i wanted to do that (and didn't have the ship), i'd face a tedious grind for potentially vast amounts of time just to finally get the ship, and only then would i be able to do that. That just doesn't seem fun to me. Now, part of that is the amount of time i have for gaming is relatively small compared to some people, so maybe if i actually had the time to invest i'd find it more enjoyable. And who knows, maybe by the time the game comes out i'll be retired and have a ton of free time, so i'd feel the same way :grin:.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
. . .i'd face a tedious grind for potentially vast amounts of time just to finally get the ship. . .
Yeah. I know we all have different notions of "accomplishment" in game. I'd rather not spend my time grinding in any way. I just don't have time for that. I would work for bragging rights to the most famous stunt or effective strategy, etc. Owning a Kingship taken in battle, or a Bengal would be fun for a couple days and I'd sell it before it was stolen from me, but taking one would be cool as can be.


May 21, 2018
RSI Handle
See, i'm the exact opposite. I feel like I already have the stuff, so now i can go on adventures with it. The incentive for me is what i can do with it, not the process of getting it. Like, i took the 600i out to Daymar, parked it in orbit, and just looked out the various windows for a while. And, yeah, after 15 minutes of that i got kinda bored (...also the game crashed :/), but i know that if i took it to yela or delamar tomorrow, i could do the exact same thing and have just as much fun. Maybe we don't have a ton of cool places to visit right now, but as soon as they start adding more...

Once the game actually releases, if i wanted to do that (and didn't have the ship), i'd face a tedious grind for potentially vast amounts of time just to finally get the ship, and only then would i be able to do that. That just doesn't seem fun to me. Now, part of that is the amount of time i have for gaming is relatively small compared to some people, so maybe if i actually had the time to invest i'd find it more enjoyable. And who knows, maybe by the time the game comes out i'll be retired and have a ton of free time, so i'd feel the same way :grin:.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I completely understand both sides of the coin. I don't have all that much time either, but I like to RP just a little bit. And I can't justify having one of the bigger ships. I'm willing to go as far as a Drake Cutlass. Or a Connie Taurus AT MOST. As far as I understand you are ex-military (the guy from SQ42 maybe?) coming into the 'Verse. I rather doubt you have loads of mmmoneyz stashed about. And I can use the rich family, benefactor, whatever cop-out but I just don't want to. Because, as I said, immediate boredom will follow in my case... And when I get bored I sometimes entertain myself at the expense of others which I really have no desire to do.. So, I am entering the verse with just a pack of Beer, my trusty green RSI Pajamas and my old and worn Avenger Titan, ready to become a trading GOD. Or fail miserably. Beer will be drunk either way!
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