Guns. Good or Bad?

Guns. Good or Bad?

  • Guns Good.

    Votes: 88 71.5%
  • Guns Bad.

    Votes: 35 28.5%

  • Total voters
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Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
I'll weigh in with pretty much the same thing I said earlier. As a Canadian. We generally trust our law enforcement services to keep us safe. Hand guns are allowed, but you may never carry them. (you can take them in a locked case to a shooting range, but may never carry them, even on your own property). You can have a shotgun or hunting rifle. (we live in the mountains, so we have to be concerned with bobcats, bears, etc) but no barrel mags, no extended mags or anything that enables you to go rambo in a public space.

Thinking that Murica will never be able to remove guns from people the populous is short sighted at best. It would take a lot of work, but I think it's possible. (quick frankly living in a country where the average joe feels they need to own a firearm, says a lot about the country itself)

A good first step is heavier regulation. Right now it's insanely easy to get a gun. I remember a story about a bank giving away guns to people who opened an account with them... fucking absurd.

To own a gun in canada, you have to take and pass a gun safety course, a background check, go through a waiting period after purchasing a gun before you actually get it, and Register your guns. Is anyone going to tell me that these steps don't make sense?

I know what the pro gun folks will say "oh criminals will get guns anyway, why make it harder for everyone to get guns?" because it makes it harder for the fucking crazies to get guns too. It means fewer stolen guns that end up on the street for criminals to get. it helps reduce access to people who shouldn't have guns.


Space Marshal
Feb 4, 2016
RSI Handle
Also in 1990 the "Gun-Free School Zones Act" was made law, go look at how many gun shootings happened before and after that act. This act strips people of their basic right to life, and I find it ironic, we protect our politicians, celebrities, and anyone of import with guns, but our children with a sign.
As mentioned before I don't think you guys should have a total ban right away. But make it harder for crazy people to get guns. Have security at schools. Not teachers with guns. People who do that for a living. Politicians and Celebs are not protected by teachers with guns either.
And regarding Trump, what is your stance on this story LINK .


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
A good first step is heavier regulation. Right now it's insanely easy to get a gun. I remember a story about a bank giving away guns to people who opened an account with them... fucking absurd.
FICTION plan and simple fiction, as someone who has bought guns it is not simple or easy, you do have to get background checks and everything, and that story is a just plain fabrication.
As mentioned before I don't think you guys should have a total ban right away. But make it harder for crazy people to get guns. Have security at schools. Not teachers with guns. People who do that for a living. Politicians and Celebs are not protected by teachers with guns either.
And regarding Trump, what is your stance on this story LINK .
I am down for any security at schools, there are a million ways you could do it. get teachers special licenses, that can be temporally suspended by the school if the school feels it is needed. I would gladly work as an armed guard of a school if they wanted to hire me. My point is that gun free zones are the most likely place to be shot ( as for the bill it was not perfect but the Obama law it was repealing was flawed as well (

Also, any American that wants to defend themselves, Springfield is giving away 100 free 911 .380 handguns (if you win it will be shipped to a dealer near you, then you will have to pass a background check)


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
@NaffNaffBobFace what happens when you take the guns away from good people?
Define "Good People".

@NaffNaffBobFaceWhat about psychos that don't use guns... they use trucks, cars, knives, swords, explosives, and a million different other things to cause pain...
Okay, as the threads previous answers don't seem to have provided satisfaction, I'll try a different tac:

The UK has not had a school mass shooting since Dunblane in 1996, by regulating firearms. Since that time there have been no mass school shootings. But further to that, no one has driven a truck through a classroom. No one has driven a car through a playground, either. No one has blown a class of kids up with explosives. No one has gone on a knife rampage or a sword attack or any of a million other methods where you would kill 20 to 30 people in a minute or two.

Perhaps the psychos in the UK just don't have enough imagination? They've had 22 years to think of something.
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Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Define "Good People".

Okay, as the threads previous answers don't seem to have provided satisfaction, I'll try a different tac:

The UK has not had a school mass shooting since Dunblane in 1996, by regulating firearms. Since that time there have been no mass school shootings. But further to that, no one has driven a truck through a classroom. No one has driven a car through a playground, either. No one has blown a class of kids up with explosives. No one has gone on a knife rampage or a sword attack or any of a million other methods where you would kill 20 to 30 people in a minute or two.

Perhaps the psychos in the UK just don't have enough imagination? They've had 22 years to think of something.
7 July 2005 7 July 2005 London bombings London, England 52 700+ A series of coordinated terrorist suicide attacks throughout central London between 08:50-09:47. It was the United Kingdom's worst terrorist incident since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, as well as the country's first ever suicide attack.
2 June 2010 Cumbria shootings Cumbria, England 12 killed 11 wounded A killing spree/murder–suicide.
22 March 2017 2017 Westminster attack London, England 6 killed 49 wounded A vehicle and knife attack.
22 May 2017 Manchester Arena Bombing Manchester, England 23 killed 400+ wounded A terrorist suicide attack.[11]
3 June 2017 June 2017 London Bridge attack London, England 8 killed 48 wounded A vehicle and knife attack.[12]


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
7 July 2005 7 July 2005 London bombings London, England 52 700+ A series of coordinated terrorist suicide attacks throughout central London between 08:50-09:47. It was the United Kingdom's worst terrorist incident since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, as well as the country's first ever suicide attack.
2 June 2010 Cumbria shootings Cumbria, England 12 killed 11 wounded A killing spree/murder–suicide.
22 March 2017 2017 Westminster attack London, England 6 killed 49 wounded A vehicle and knife attack.
22 May 2017 Manchester Arena Bombing Manchester, England 23 killed 400+ wounded A terrorist suicide attack.[11]
3 June 2017 June 2017 London Bridge attack London, England 8 killed 48 wounded A vehicle and knife attack.[12]
I don't see any of those incidents involving a school, thankfully. That is the example I used and I used it for a reason: The UK has gone without a school mass shooting for 22 years, In comparison there have been 8 school shootings in the first 7 weeks of this year in America.

We can all play the Stats game but the question remains what are we you going to do about it?

The US has tried doing nothing and that has just resulted in the deaths of another 14 kids.

Yes, the UK has seen some atrocities, however it was not for the want of doing something to try to stop them - if you notice most of the examples you used had the backing, training and influence of organised groups, not lone nutjobs. Can you imagine the number of dearhs of the Westminster attack if they had easy access to ranged weapons like firearms?

We used to have bombs going off on highstreets in the 70's, but those were not the work of one disgruntled postman, Those days are past because there was hard work, on both sides of the conflict, to put an end to it. Both made sacrifices to find a truce and make it work.

Comparing orginised terrorist group actions to an unbalanced kid who got expelled and butchered his ex-classmates is a bit of an imbalance, no?

You can still pray, you can still give thoughts to the victims, but hey - how about this time trying something?

You may just find by giving a little you might just get a lot.

And as always: In Gun We Trust.
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Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't see any of those incidents involving a school, thankfully. That is the example I used and I used it for a reason: The UK has gone without a school mass shooting for 22 years, In comparison there have been 8 school shootings in the first 7 weeks of this year in America.

We can all play the Stats game but the question remains what are we you going to do about it?

The US has tried doing nothing and that has just resulted in the deaths of another 14 kids.

Yes, the UK has seen some atrocities, however it was not for the want of doing something to try to stop them - if you notice most of the examples you used had the backing, training and influence of organised groups, not lone nutjobs. Can you imagine the number of dearhs of the Westminster attack if they had easy access to ranged weapons like firearms?

We used to have bombs going off on highstreets in the 70's, but those were not the work of one disgruntled postman, but those days are past because there was hard work, on both sides of the conflict, to put an end to it.

You can still pray, you can still give thoughts to the victims, but hey - how about this time trying something?

You may just find by giving a little you might just get a lot. there were NOT 8 school shootings here are better numbers.

can you imagine the ability for the preservation of life if the public was allowed to defend themselves in Westminster?

And some in America are doing something to stop school shootings, may not be perfect, but it beats the crap out of making everyone a perfect target and victim.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
NaffNaffBobFace there were NOT 8 school shootings here are better numbers.
Your argument in semantics doesn't really help when it goes from 8 with fatalities or serious injuries to 17 reported firearm related incidents in the first 7 weeks of this year - that works out at 126 this year if it keeps up at this rate. You are right, they are great numbers, they really help reinforce the fact something needs to be done.

can you imagine the ability for the preservation of life if the public was allowed to defend themselves in Westminster?
Right... so when armed police arrive and find a shootout are they going to just fire at the baddies or anyone discharging a weapon? Because when Persons A, B and C are shooting at persons D, E and F and they are shooting back, it becomes rather hard to tell which people are the ones you need to stop firing.

And some in America are doing something to stop school shootings, may not be perfect, but it beats the crap out of making everyone a perfect target and victim.
In Gun We Trust.

However arming everyone is an exercise in escalation, not a solution:

So the Teacher is armed. It doesn't take an college grade education for a shooter to walk into a classroom and shoot the teacher first, barricade the door to give them long enough to shoot every single kid in the room, 20+ dead, and they have the dead teachers gun and extra ammo to fend off capture too.

Again - 22 years no school shootings.
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Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
You argument in semantics doesn't really help when it goes from 8 with fatalities or serious injuries to 17 firearm related incidents overall. Great numbers, really helps reinforce the fact something needs to be done.

Right... so when armed police arrive and find a shootout are they going to just shoot the baddies or anyone discharging a weapon? Because when Persons A, B and C are shooting at persons D, E and F and they are shooting back, it becomes rather hard to tell which people are the ones you need to stop firing.

In Gun We Trust.

Again - 22 years. just because they are not getting shot does not mean people are not dying.

It's called deterrent when people know they will get shot and killed they don't do it. according to the FBI, 98% of attacks happen in GUN FREE ZONES! but that is beside the point. I have few questions for you, First is human life valuable? Yes (I hope is your answer) and if so, does a human have a right to defend themselves from their valuable life being taken away? yet again I hope the answer is yes, because if not then the life is not of value and you need to go back to question 1. As such do I have a right to defend myself that is not given by any person or government body? and if the people or government did not give me a right that is basic to all humans, then they can not take it away. I will defend my life, the lives of those I love, and those of the innocence, and if I must I will die in that cause and consider it a life well spent. There was a teacher who gave his life defending kids down in Florida, all I wish is that great man had been allowed a gun to stop this attack, save more lives and himself. And I will not be put in the same situation if I can help it. I carry a loaded 1911 everywhere I go and if put in a situation when I can save an innocent life by taking a guilty I will not hesitate, and I will live or die with a clean conscience, and that is a right that all humans have if they choose to use it. It is a RIGHT that one person can not tell another to or not practice.

Old one but a good one


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
NaffNaffBobFace just because they are not getting shot does not mean people are not dying.

It's called deterrent when people know they will get shot and killed they don't do it. according to the FBI, 98% of attacks happen in GUN FREE ZONES! but that is beside the point. I have few questions for you, First is human life valuable? Yes (I hope is your answer) and if so, does a human have a right to defend themselves from their valuable life being taken away? yet again I hope the answer is yes, because if not then the life is not of value and you need to go back to question 1. As such do I have a right to defend myself that is not given by any person or government body? and if the people or government did not give me a right that is basic to all humans, then they can not take it away. I will defend my life, the lives of those I love, and those of the innocence, and if I must I will die in that cause and consider it a life well spent. There was a teacher who gave his life defending kids down in Florida, all I wish is that great man had been allowed a gun to stop this attack, save more lives and himself. And I will not be put in the same situation if I can help it. I carry a loaded 1911 everywhere I go and if put in a situation when I can save an innocent life by taking a guilty I will not hesitate, and I will live or die with a clean conscience, and that is a right that all humans have if they choose to use it. It is a RIGHT that one person can not tell another to or not practice.

Old one but a good one
Again, we have gone into the loop so lets make it as small as possible.

As I said in my previous post:

"Arming everyone is an exercise in escalation, not a solution:

So the Teacher is armed. It doesn't take an college grade education for a shooter to walk into a classroom and shoot the teacher first, barricade the door to give them long enough to shoot every single kid in the room, 20+ dead, and they have the dead teachers gun and extra ammo to fend off capture too."

Armed teachers are not a defense, they are a prime target and with a hole in the head they are nothing more than an ammo dump.

Loop unlooped, so back to the point:

What are we you going to do about it? How about bringing back that law that stopped anyone with a diagnosed mental issue from owning a gun? How about a mandatory gun confiscation of anyone who has been reported to the FBI? What can be done that doesn't involve more and more and more guns?

In Gun We Trust.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
The UK has not had a school mass shooting since Dunblane in 1996, by regulating firearms. Since that time there have been no mass school shootings. But further to that, no one has driven a truck through a classroom.
The UK has their own problems, just like America or any other country for that fact.

Ok... pound for pound there are more people in the US. In the UK, you've had your incidents... well known or not. What is the population of the UK compared to the US? Let's say 65.64 million (2016) where the US is 325,908,238, (2017) so, let's put on our statics hat... you seem pretty well versed in this activity. You tell me... knowing that the US population is nearly 6x the size of the UK... what is the probability of someone going nuts in the UK vs the US. I do not know why this is rocket science. Also, something that foreigners to the US do not understand... if we let the GB King take away our guns we'd still be under the UK rule... this is a fundamental historical aspect that many US people like me cherish... it comes down to the fact the government will not screw with the population knowing that it is well armed. Many of it see it as a necessary evil... pros outweigh the cons in many peoples minds. By the way... how many people died in WW2?

World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history in absolute terms of total casualties. Over 60 million people were killed, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion). Statistics of military wounded are available for the major combatants. The tables below give a detailed country-by-country count ...

How many people did the Chinese kill during the Mao Revolution?
Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years' Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official Communist Party archives said yesterday.

According to a disturbingly pleasant graphic from Information is Beautiful entitled simply 20th Century Death, communism was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The 94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under fascist regimes during the same period.

During the century measured, more people died as a result of communism than from homicide (58 million) and genocide (30 million) put together. The combined death tolls of WWI (37 million) and WWII (66 million) exceed communism’s total by only 9 million.

Now compare that to a Communist revolution in America... people like me who do not agree would be killed, period... that could be millions of children and adults.

This is why many "old school" educated Americans protect gun rights. Seems like socialists like Hitler and communists like Mao and Stalin validate our need to protect our self from the state.

Every life lost is a tragedy... but the world is not a sane place and I am sure we can both agree.


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Again, we have gone into the loop so lets make it as small as possible.

As I said in my previous post:

"Arming everyone is an exercise in escalation, not a solution:

So the Teacher is armed. It doesn't take an college grade education for a shooter to walk into a classroom and shoot the teacher first, barricade the door to give them long enough to shoot every single kid in the room, 20+ dead, and they have the dead teachers gun and extra ammo to fend off capture too."

Armed teachers are not a defense, they are a prime target and with a hole in the head, they are nothing more than an ammo dump.
so that teacher does not have a right to defend themselves? so the teacher in the next room can't grab their gun and go to the student's aid? you are arguing for a system that does not work. you say no gun deaths in the UK in 22 years, but I proved that state not important because the number of kids killed in schools has not changed. So you are saying let us go from a system that has not worked for almost 30 years to a system that has not worked for over 20 years.

But honestly I am kinda done talking about it, you have made it very clear you are not open to my ideas, and I am not open to yours. so there is really nothing more to be gained from a discourse.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
so that teacher does not have a right to defend themselves? so the teacher in the next room can't grab their gun and go to the student's aid? you are arguing for a system that does not work.
Right: Kid waits for teacher to write something on a chalk board, shoots them in the back of the head. Not much chance to defend yourself, unless every teacher is too scared to turn their backs on their class...? Kid then jams a chair under the door handle and 20+ dead before anyone can get in the room to stop it.

you say no gun deaths in the UK in 22 years, but I proved that state not important because the number of kids killed in schools has not changed.
Sorry, I didn't look at the link because it was about Primary Schools not Secondary Schools, however I accept cultural differences may have caused me some confusion: Primary schools are for children under the age of 11 where I come from.

Okay, lets take some examples from the link:

First on the list: August 16, 1856 - School Master strangled student to death. That was an adult, not a student, and incidentally the father of the dead student then took a gun to the school and shot the master. It involved a shooting on school grounds.

Second on the list: February 6, 1864 - School teacher shot and killed student. Adult, not kid with a grudge. It involved a shooting on school grounds.

Third on the list: February 16, 1867 - Wiki text "Mr. McGinnis threatened his daughter's teacher after the girl was expelled from school. When McGinnis' son learned of the expulsion, he went to the school and killed the teacher." This text is inaccurate. McGinnis did threaten the teacher who warned him if he was threatened again he would shoot him. He was threatened again, so he shot him dead. McGinnis son found out and in turn shot the Teacher. This was a DOUBLE gun related incident.

So far 3 for 3.

First 14 accounts on that list are gun related. Number 15 is a blade, a pocket knife where a student stabbed another student. The next 13 entries also involve guns. So the first 28 incidents are fairly heavy toward shootings so lets try to find some that aren't.

Number 29: May 18, 1927 - School board member set up a series of bombs within the Bath Consolidated School. He blew it up, and detonated a suicide car bomb as people came to extinguish the flames injuring them too. It was the deadliest instance of mass murder on school grounds in US history.
Again, this was an adult in a position of responsibility and privilege who was able to move freely around the setting preparing the atrocity including the stockpiling of Dynamite. It was not an unhinged teen angry at the world.
Please note - following the use of explosives and the things to be able to make homemade explosives to kill, heavy regulation was introduced to attempt limit the availability of said explosives to those who would want to kill people with them. As a result, it is a lot harder to get hold of explosives to kill people with.

After this point I am only looking for mass killings that don't involve guns to speed things up a bit, given the event that started the conversation was a mass killing:

September 15, 1959 - Explosive to kill 6 people. Again note Explosives are now heavily regulated.

June 11, 1964 - Man with home made weapons including a jerry-rigged flamethrower killed 11 and then himself with insecticide. I'd say this is the first one you have a point with - that guy seems genuinely nuts. It is 36 incidents into the list you have provided me.

I'll stop there, I am enjoying this conversation but need to get to bed at some point.

So to summarize, we have seen the majority of cases up to number 36 (I have to go to bed, might read them all another time) involve guns, four involve a knife, two explosives and one improvised home made weapons which seemed genuinely unhinged.

this makes it 7 for 36, or to put it another way 80% of the examples presented involved shootings. Forgive me if I do not find it a compelling list for the virtues of gun availability.

It is important to note Although the incidents with explosives where undeniably some of the most drastic ever witnessed, we must also accept that access to and availability of explosives and things that can be used to homemake explosives have been regulated and it is undeniably harder to get a crate of dynamite than it is a semi-automatic rifle and 200 rounds of ammo in America.

Perhaps a lesson can be taken from explosives availability in regard to guns? You can get low power display fireworks, but getting Dynamite or C4 is a bit harder to impossible.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Please note - following the use of explosives and the things to be able to make homemade explosives to kill, heavy regulation was introduced to attempt limit the availability of said explosives to those who would want to kill people with them. As a result, it is a lot harder to get hold of explosives to kill people with.
Are you serious? Someone with chemistry 101 could build something bad... last I looked peroxide has not been banned - where the hell do you stop. Again, you are looking at the equation wrong... it is people, not tools... we are never going to have a world without violence as long as people are people. People are NOT robots, yet. A single person makes millions of decisions a day. A person has freewill... and if you take freewill from the human then you have nothing, no art, no math, no innovation, nothing... you just have another animal. Problem is that if bad people take leadership roles and reduce the rest of us to lemmings... that is when genocides and holocausts happen. Gosh... it has been 2000 years since Christ... how many tyrants have we had since that point. The Tyrants of the 20th century make all other tyrants pale in comparison. As the saying goes... "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
It has probably been mentioned earlier, but I did not feel compelled to read all posts:

Guns are neither good, nor bad. They are inanimate objects, that if left untouched will in time turn into a pile of rust, harming nothing.

Guns are not the problem, people are the problem. When people begin to show a callous disdain for human life, when the constant newsfeed of all the woes of the planet begin to numb peoples sensibilities, when people have turned their backs on faith (not religion mind you, faith), then you are going to have occurrences where people do bad things, and bad people do unthinkable things.

You cannot regulate evil.


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Are you serious? Someone with chemistry 101 could build something bad... last I looked peroxide has not been banned - where the hell do you stop. Again, you are looking at the equation wrong... it is people, not tools... we are never going to have a world without violence as long as people are people. People are NOT robots, yet. A single person makes millions of decisions a day. A person has freewill... and if you take freewill from the human then you have nothing, no art, no math, no innovation, nothing... you just have another animal. Problem is that if bad people take leadership roles and reduce the rest of us to lemmings... that is when genocides and holocausts happen. Gosh... it has been 2000 years since Christ... how many tyrants have we had since that point. The Tyrants of the 20th century make all other tyrants pale in comparison. As the saying goes... "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."- Ben Franklin


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I have a friend with a violent, disturbed child. She told me that she tried for years to get someone to deal with him before he hurt people, but the laws have been changed in the USA so that mental health care and committing people is very difficult, even in cases with a long history. The violence we see in these shootings is almost always committed by people who had numerous incidences with law enforcement, but our laws are structured, since the early 70's, to favor letting people roam free.

When you have someone who has sworn destruction against a place or group and they hurt themselves or animals in front of witnesses, maybe we should try taking them seriously.

We own guns in the USA as a RIGHT under the constitution, not a privilege like a drivers license. To restrict the ownership of firearms in the USA is to change the fundamental underpinnings of this country by changing the very constitution it is built on. We are not Europe and we do not wish to be Europe. Anyone unhappy with that is free to emigrate to a country more to their liking, we have no iron curtain to stop them.

Perhaps, if the USA didn't have to spend at least a quarter of our budget on the military to make sure Crimea doesn't happen to Europe, we would have more money for programs for the insane.


Space Marshal
Feb 2, 2015
RSI Handle
I have a friend with a violent, disturbed child. She told me that she tried for years to get someone to deal with him before he hurt people, but the laws have been changed in the USA so that mental health care and committing people is very difficult, even in cases with a long history. The violence we see in these shootings is almost always committed by people who had numerous incidences with law enforcement, but our laws are structured, since the early 70's, to favor letting people roam free.

When you have someone who has sworn destruction against a place or group and they hurt themselves or animals in front of witnesses, maybe we should try taking them seriously.

We own guns in the USA as a RIGHT under the constitution, not a privilege like a drivers license. To restrict the ownership of firearms in the USA is to change the fundamental underpinnings of this country by changing the very constitution it is built on. We are not Europe and we do not wish to be Europe. Anyone unhappy with that is free to emigrate to a country more to their liking, we have no iron curtain to stop them.

Perhaps, if the USA didn't have to spend at least a quarter of our budget on the military to make sure Crimea doesn't happen to Europe, we would have more money for programs for the insane.
The amendments can be changed and the US has always spent billions on military even before things like Crimea. I will agree with you that mental illness is a big problem in this country but I will say a lot of mental illness goes under or untreated. Not saying you, but we have people in this country that will fight for someones right to own a gun and at the same time protest them for getting things like government assistance being it food, housing or medical treatment. Which is the bigger right to have? I've worked in the South,North and Northeast and in those places I've seen people get a band aid,aspirin and sent packing even though we could treat them. We also can't lock everyone up that gets in our way of life, in the US we love putting people in warehouses being it prison,old folks homes or mental institutions if they become a bother and tend to forget about them and statistically that doesn't work at all and makes things even worst.

7 July 2005 7 July 2005 London bombings London, England 52 700+ A series of coordinated terrorist suicide attacks throughout central London between 08:50-09:47. It was the United Kingdom's worst terrorist incident since the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, as well as the country's first ever suicide attack.
2 June 2010 Cumbria shootings Cumbria, England 12 killed 11 wounded A killing spree/murder–suicide.
22 March 2017 2017 Westminster attack London, England 6 killed 49 wounded A vehicle and knife attack.
22 May 2017 Manchester Arena Bombing Manchester, England 23 killed 400+ wounded A terrorist suicide attack.[11]
3 June 2017 June 2017 London Bridge attack London, England 8 killed 48 wounded A vehicle and knife attack.[12]
Las Vegas 58 people dead and 851 injured.Just one of the many gun massacres equal to 12 years of England's worst terrorist attacks combined. Statistics is not in favor of guns if we going by a K/D ratio.....


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Are you serious? Someone with chemistry 101 could build something bad... last I looked peroxide has not been banned - where the hell do you stop. Again, you are looking at the equation wrong... it is people, not tools... we are never going to have a world without violence as long as people are people. People are NOT robots, yet. A single person makes millions of decisions a day. A person has freewill... and if you take freewill from the human then you have nothing, no art, no math, no innovation, nothing... you just have another animal. Problem is that if bad people take leadership roles and reduce the rest of us to lemmings... that is when genocides and holocausts happen. Gosh... it has been 2000 years since Christ... how many tyrants have we had since that point. The Tyrants of the 20th century make all other tyrants pale in comparison. As the saying goes... "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"
Yes I am serious and it is still happening today:

There you go, regulatory attempts and action from 2008 to right now as it is happening.

TL;DR No more easy access to one of the more serious bomb building materials when this is finally pushed through and goes active if it hasn't already.

The active attempts to stop people who would like to make explosives to kill hasn't really stopped, whereas the active attempts to stop people getting guns who would like to kill hasn't really started.

Tracking and regulation on accessibility to fertilizer is what we you are doing in regard to explosives - So what are you going to do about mass shootings? No tracking of who has what gun currently, how about basic tracking which could identify a stockpiler, for instance, who could then be investigated with nothing more than a home-visit to see if they have a collection that is stored properly or a stockpile that is ready for war.
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Jan 20, 2017
RSI Handle
There are very few people that should have the ability to end a life with the push of the button.

Never mind the fact that standing at a range and popping a few rounds into a sliding or stationary target with your earmuffs on doesn't mean you can hit a moving target. Tack on the fact that most sane people would react frantically when under fire.

This idea that more guns is a good idea is predicated on the idea that everyone has a "Billy the Kid" complex and has the balls to stand up amongst the flying bullets, and take out the correct shooter with markmanship precision as opposed to some other "Billy the Kid" who is also waving a gun around like he's some kind of hero.

If you are anti gun laws you are in my opinion compliant in these children deaths.
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