Howdy folks, for those that haven't previously met me.


Master Miner
Dec 1, 2019
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger? Air Force brat born in Maryland, briefly in Germany than ever since raised in Texas.

What drew you to Star Citizen? Familiar with Chris Roberts Wing Commander series and Privateer games. I backed in August of 2013 with a Freelancer package then upgrade it shortly after for the Constellation physical package.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Being a industrial mogul and exploration.

What was the first game you remember playing? Other than Atari pong that would be a text based Star Trek game on the main frame remotely accessed from a computer at my high school. Had to watch results of actions played out on a dot matrix printer.

What other games do you play? Plenty of MMO's, RPG's and FPS's games single and multiplayer. Examples: WoW, Rift, Fallout 4/76, Destiny 2, Planetside 1/2, Subnautica, Anthem, Diablo 1/2/3. Sadly I've got over 868 game titles spread out over different platforms: 687 titles on Steam thanks to Humble Bundle, 189 on GoG some of which are duplicated from Steam, and the rest spread out on Uplay, Origin, and Xbox (PC game pass). I say sadly because I've most likely not played but 10-15% of them.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? Have over the past few years have met many members at Bar Citizen events during PAX South, Citizen Con Austin 2018, and Verse Con Austin 2019.

Picard or Kirk?

Thanks for having me aboard. See you in the Verse.

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