I guess it's time I say hi - o/


Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2015
RSI Handle
I've been lurking around these parts, and around Star Citizen in general, for some time now. I'm an early backer who has spent way to much on this game :D (hence my affiliation with the Star Citizen Compulsive Pledgers Anonymous org - the first step is admitting you have a problem :p ). My interest in SC wanes in and out every few months, as I try to find something to occupy the time until sweet sweet release day; but I've played every Live and PTU version, and I try to flag everything I can on the Issue Council as a duplicate :cool:

Things are starting to get more interesting in SC by the day, so it's time I get serious about finding an Org. I've tried out a few different ones over the past few years, but nothing has meshed with me so far. Maybe TEST will be that place I can finally call home? Maybe, maybe not. I'm a fickle creature when it comes to game guilds.

Anyway, I couldn't help posting some stuff over in the media section today. Sum1 asked for a gif from the recent april fools day dancing and I felt compelled to oblige. And since I plan on posting more here in the coming weeks/months, I think it's time I get this intro-post out of the way :D

Here's the lovely gif:

As far as the standard question-air:

I'm from Seattle, WA area. I don't remember where I first saw SC, but I was instantly drawn to it. I've been waiting for a good space sim since like... Freelancer... And I'm looking forward to doing ALL THE THINGS! in SC.

There have been a lot of 'firsts' for me with gaming, but the very first that I remember was probably Sopwith Camel. It took us way too long to realize you could turn around at the end of the map and go back :(

Other firsts include things like; Mario Bro's and Zelda for Nintendo. Hover! from that first Windows 95 install on my parents PC. The Command & Conqueror series from the first PC that my brother and I actually could call our own. Sam & Max as my first point-and-click adventure, followed by many other Sierra and Lucas Arts games (the remaster of Day of the Tentacle is worth the buy if you've never played. Just turn the music back to the old-school midi version, instead of orchestra :) ). Playing Dune 2000 at my middle school because some troll had installed in on the library computers. Counter Strike was really the first online game that was introduced to and the online lobby system blew my mind. And I, sadly, must admit that Runescape was the first MMO I played, which explains why my grades went to shit in high-school (I went to college halftime during junior/senior year, so I pretty much just fucked off in the computer lab instead of class :p ).

I'm not usually one to take drives down memory lane, so I hope you're happy.

Right now I'm playing a smorgasbord of random games, but nothing regularly. I'm looking forward to Overwatch because it looks like just about everyone and their dog is going to play that game. Other than that, I just like playiing games with my friends and will play pretty much anything if it's halfway fun.

To wrap this up: I know about Test because... who the f**k doesn't know about Test? I disregarded Test as a joke guild early on, but you guys have consistently been great, positive, and productive for the SC community. Originally, I thought I wanted to join a smaller guild... one where I knew everyone by name... but I've realized that I'd much rather be part of a larger amazing community. I want there to always be something going on in my Org that I can jump in and help out with. I also want to be part of a community of gamers that are always playing other games. I love playing with RL friends, but my circle of dudes has some of the craziest work schedules that it's difficult to coordinate.

I'm also a huuuuuge fan of Discord. I have my own little Discord community with my RL peeps, and it's so amazing that I honestly won't seriously consider any Org that isn't using it as their primary method of communication. I've been trying to move all my friends to it, so that everyone is finally communicating using the same software.

Wow, this has gotten long. I hope you guys enjoy reading.

I'm not sure I have a good answer for the Star Trek question. I never could get into the old school series, but have watched everything else. I like the new Chris Pine Kirk, but if we're going with TV series only then I'll have go with Picard. And I'll just leave this here.

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Digital Janitor
Staff member
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
woa, nice intro.

yes, TEST was formed by former Hover! addicts (man i was surprised when i browsed the w95 install disk and found this game)

also, join us on discord :D

welcome !

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Holy intro batman! Pacific Northwest. Sweet. I'm originally from Vancouver. Can't wait to get back to the land of beauty.
The Command & Conqueror series from the first PC that my brother and I actually could call our own. Sam & Max as my first point-and-click adventure, followed by many other Sierra and Lucas Arts games (the remaster of Day of the Tentacle is worth the buy if you've never played
This. What are you, me? ;)
All great games. I grew up playing Sierra games. Kings Quest, Police Quest, Space Quest, Quest for Glory. Good stuff.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I decided to not read anything and instead greet you as if I had:

Welcome, Timmy! I don't know of any other TESTies from Greenland, but that's cool. I hope it doesn't get too cold up there! We here are welcoming of any and all people here, so we have a spot for an octogenarian like you!

Test has a presence in lots of games but unfortunately I don't think there's a multiplayer version of Leisure Suit Larry.

We're glad you found Test Squadron, but you must be mistaken, you could not have found us by watching State of the Squadron 16, as it has not been release. This statement fills me with much [CONCERN] and may trigger a few of our members.


Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2015
RSI Handle
o/ thanks all!

join us on discord :D

welcome !
I do lurk on the Test Discord, but now I will lurk moar!

Now those were Fun games, I played them for years.

Yeah, I'm really happy to see them remaking a few! Double Fine has done an amazing job with Grim Fandango and DotT, and they're working on Full Throttle now too! If any Testies missed playing those games in the past, I highly recommend giving the remastered versions a whirl!

Great intro. Welcome to test. I too have fond memories of Command & Conquer.
I'm pretty sure the soundtrack to Red Alert defined my taste in music at an early age. I just didn't realize it till much much later :)

Holy intro batman! Pacific Northwest. Sweet. I'm originally from Vancouver. Can't wait to get back to the land of beauty.

This. What are you, me? ;)
All great games. I grew up playing Sierra games. Kings Quest, Police Quest, Space Quest, Quest for Glory. Good stuff.
There always seems to be enough Pacific North-westerners to go around ;) since the weather always sucks, we game hard.

And there's just something about those old games... the developers had such an attention to detail and made such good use of their 256-bit color pallets and midi music! One of the best things about the DotT remaster is that they allow you to switch between the old and new graphics at any time (by hitting F1).

I decided to not read anything and instead greet you as if I had:

Welcome, Timmy! I don't know of any other TESTies from Greenland, but that's cool. I hope it doesn't get too cold up there! We here are welcoming of any and all people here, so we have a spot for an octogenarianlike you!

Test has a presence in lots of games but unfortunately I don't think there's a multiplayer version of Leisure Suit Larry.

We're glad you found Test Squadron, but you must be mistaken, you could not have found us by watching State of the Squadron 16, as it has not been release. This statement fills me with much [CONCERN] and may trigger a few of our members.
Thanks for taking the time to read it all Gimli! I really loved you in Lord of the Rings! It's amazing that Test has such a high caliber of Dwarves in their ranks!

I can see how you came to mistake me for an octogenarian, and how you are confused about the SotS 16, but I can explain. I'm actually a time-traveling denarian, who has come from the future to join Test in it's infancy. Where I come from (Year 2946), the glorious and imortal leader Montoya still reigns supreme over Test; but his State of the Union release dates continue to slip, to the point where there has been (on average) only one address every 930 years.

In my timeline, Test has grown so large that one must be born into it. And their Auroras quite literally do blot out the sun (we refer to it as the Test Dyson Sphere). Only those privileged enough to have a Test bloodline are allowed to bask in the glorious rays of the sun.

I've said to much already though, as time travel is restricted by the Advocacy, and although the World Wide Web no longer exists in my time, the authorities still maintain archives of all past communications, thanks to something called a PRISM.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks for taking the time to read it all Gimli! I really loved you in Lord of the Rings! It's amazing that Test has such a high caliber of Dwarves in their ranks!

I can see how you came to mistake me for an octogenarian, and how you are confused about the SotS 16, but I can explain. I'm actually a time-traveling denarian, who has come from the future to join Test in it's infancy. Where I come from (Year 2946), the glorious and imortal leader Montoya still reigns supreme over Test; but his State of the Union release dates continue to slip, to the point where there has been (on average) only one address every 155 years.

In my timeline, Test has grown so large that one must be born into it. And their Auroras quite literally do blot out the sun. We refer to it as the Test Dyson Sphere. Only those privileged enough to have a Test bloodline are allowed to bask in the glorious rays of the sun.

I've said to much already though, as time travel is restricted by the Advocacy, and although the thing known as the World Wide Web no longer exists in my time, the authorities still maintain archives of all past communications, thanks to something called a PRISM.
Lol! You'll fit right in!

Also, nobody ever get the Dwarf thing!



Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2015
RSI Handle
Lol! You'll fit right in!

Also, nobody ever get the Dwarf thing!

View attachment 1929
I guess we'll have to start building that bunkbed to make more room in this forum for activities!

You've got the drill right? I'm sure there's some CSS code here that isn't 100% necessary!

Holy shit that intro was glorious. Nice gif!

Welcome to test squadron!
Thx Snakey. I like to imagine that the gif is you, setting fire to all the words that have just been posted in this thread :p stupid words.

>God-emperor Montoya

I like you.
I like your signature ;)


May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
I guess we'll have to start building that bunkbed to make more room in this forum for activities!

You've got the drill right? I'm sure there's some CSS code here that isn't 100% necessary!

Thx Snakey. I like to imagine that the gif is you, setting fire to all the words that have just been posted in this thread :p stupid words.

I like your signature ;)
You sir, have shitpost right in to my heart.
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Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
I guess we'll have to start building that bunkbed to make more room in this forum for activities!

You've got the drill right? I'm sure there's some CSS code here that isn't 100% necessary!

Thx Snakey. I like to imagine that the gif is you, setting fire to all the words that have just been posted in this thread :p stupid words.

I like your signature ;)
You already know me too well :3


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST! The great thing about TEST is that we're so large, we have smaller groups inside so you can still have the group of friends where everyone knows your name, but if needed you can totally call on the greater TEST swarm for help. BTW, if you want to let slip any lotttery numbers you might have picked up in your future travels, I'd happily split the winnings 50-50.
  • Like
Reactions: JeffCraig


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Originally, I thought I wanted to join a smaller guild... one where I knew everyone by name... but I've realized that I'd much rather be part of a larger amazing community.
Hey, wow, finally an interesting introduction, thanks for that! Funny enough, I also was quite unsure if TEST is the right choice because it is soooo...(fill in a word of your choice).
But anyway, in contrast to smaller, more promising (at first sight) guilds, I very soon found out that TEST is *the* place to be within the SC verse: lots of nice people, spreaded all over the world, with their hearts and beers at the right place (@ Arrangingstars: again thaaaank you for your very warm welcome via Discord. *hug*). I am here at TEST since three or four weeks and it has already become kind of a 2nd home within the net.

Long story short: very warm welcome, hopefully you feel comfortable here at TEST and please don't forget to catch up a coffee at my café - first one's for free ;)

Have a nice day,


Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2015
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST! The great thing about TEST is that we're so large, we have smaller groups inside so you can still have the group of friends where everyone knows your name, but if needed you can totally call on the greater TEST swarm for help. BTW, if you want to let slip any lotttery numbers you might have picked up in your future travels, I'd happily split the winnings 50-50.
Thanks! That's a good prespective about the smaller groups. It sounds like TEST has the best of both worlds :)

As far as lottery numbers... Do you really want to end up with Buffs Pleasure Paradise? Because that's how you end up with Buff's Pleasure Paradise.

Hey, wow, finally an interesting introduction, thanks for that! Funny enough, I also was quite unsure if TEST is the right choice because it is soooo...(fill in a word of your choice).
But anyway, in contrast to smaller, more promising (at first sight) guilds, I very soon found out that TEST is *the* place to be within the SC verse: lots of nice people, spreaded all over the world, with their hearts and beers at the right place (@ Arrangingstars: again thaaaank you for your very warm welcome via Discord. *hug*). I am here at TEST since three or four weeks and it has already become kind of a 2nd home within the net.

Long story short: very warm welcome, hopefully you feel comfortable here at TEST and please don't forget to catch up a coffee at my café - first one's for free ;)

Have a nice day,
Thanks Sam, I appreciate the words :) One of the reasons I finally broke down and made my TEST membership official is because I agree that this is *the* place to be. Staying current with what's going on in SC, and finding groups to join for in-game fun, will be much easier with over 9000 members/affiliates doing their thing.

I have no idea what your coffee cafe thread is :D but ignorance has never stopped me from doing something before, so why start now!

And once again: thanks to everyone for the warm welcomes!
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