Micro jumps as a time saver


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
From when you press to start your jump it spools and you accelerate forwards, then enter Quantum.
At any point you can stop your jump and you will have travelled a distance faster than on afterburner.
I have found the best way to stop the jump is to use power off.
At top jump speed it will take you about 20,000 km to come to a stop.

The real advantage is on short jumps when you can just jump a few hundred Km in 3 or 4 secs.
EG You are in orbit your destination is 400 Km away, The nearest OM jump point is 600 Km away
No need to travel the extra 200KM.
It takes some practice but on short hops my accuracy is less than 100KM often better.

If they do not bring back blind jumps or jumps to co ordinates you chose this will help with exploration.

See images. The bottom 2 are what I am talking about.

The first one is from exploiting in game mechanics to do very long distance ( but inaccurate jumps) I will get to Arc Corp if it exists in 3.0
arccorp 1.6.png
om4 1.png
om4 2.png
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Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
Wait until they are blue point your ship at them and press b, you do not need to select in the star map, them just point at them.

they do have a cool down period following another jump, also if you are too close they will stay red.
It is also possible that they are obstructed by the planet if you are too close


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
No seat? Did you file an insurance claim on it?
What happened was I landed on the pad, the voice said "We're going to store the ship, vacate" so i ejected because why not? (TEST represent for random actions!)

I ejected but bounced around INSIDE my ship instead of flying off outside it. I bounced around until the eject animation ended, at which point I was clipped through the ceiling until the ship vanished as it was stored.

Now every time I call it, it's got no seat - but admittedly I havn't done an insurance claim as I don't think I did anything wrong.


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
Naff, making a claim will sort that out, also do not wait 30 mins expedite the claim it is free in 3.0 and will bring your wait time down to 5 mins
Also did you notice my frame rates, they have gone up in the last few days. I never get less than 30 now and 35-42 is normal
Things are improving
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Bruce, you have seen by time saving idea and raised me. I fold
lol, sorry, I didn't mean to hijack your thread, I had meant to say this was a real neat idea...I, too, miss the ability to blind jump to get out of trouble. But using your technique of micro jumps definitely will be a time saver for exploring and getting around, esp. since my Retaliator is so...damn...sloooowwwwww!
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Since I am not yet a pilot in SWC, I can't make perfect sense of all that is here, but I will say that in SWC, micro-jumping as Rear_Intruder suggests was an extremely rare and powerful skill to develop. It was useful for all sorts of things.

In SWC, exiting a jump could always lead to the destruction of a ship (if near a gravity well) and death of a character, and because that is a permadeath game, players were very hesitant to do it. That was good because it yielded a severe advantage to all those intrepid souls who so indulged. In SC, it ought to become a finely polished skill that everyone practices regularly.

And I am unsure just how much of the skill you want to post about publicly. It's the kind of thing you might want to create a secret primer on and use as a recruiting tool, etc. So shhhhh. . .


Grand Admiral
May 23, 2017
RSI Handle
Bruce, you have seen by time saving idea and raised me. I fold
Sorry for stealing small part of your glory, but I think it is obvious that your finding is much more than "time saving" ... as it allows approach to the destination from quite unpredictable angle ( think of someone flying half way to Delamar before jumping to yela :) )
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