New Guy Post


Oct 12, 2021
RSI Handle
New guy in the forums and figured I'd introduce myself. Currently have an application in with y'all so I'm hoping to fly with you guys soon. I first backed Star Citizen in '13 and have played on and off since then. While it is slow-going at times I still feel this is going to be one of the best friggin' games ever... at least for me. Have been playing a little more lately and even have even been able to convince my daughter to jump in a turret on occasion. A friend of mine kept an eye on the game from a distance and after we spoke about it he jumped in playing which has gotten me much more into the game lately!

I'll knock the suggested questions out this way:

Where you from stranger? - Northwest Mississippi, United States. Grew up in Memphis, Tn.

What drew you to Star Citizen? - I'm a lover of most things Sci-Fi... Star Wars and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy are what originally pulled me in years ago.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) - Overall, I'm looking forward to Exploration the most for sure but I realize we're still a ways off from that. Currently I just sorta play what we want to do as a group that night.

What was the first game you remember playing? - Yeesh, um... remember Pong and Pitfall as a couple of the firsts... and now I feel old. Thanks!

What other games do you play? - Honestly, a little of everything. Lately I'm down to try just about anything the group wants to play just to hang out and have fun.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? -
I've watched Captain Richard's stream for a while and that was the first time I've ever heard of Test. Ran across a couple Test folks in the Zoom Bar Citizen the other day with a buddy and he joined right after. So, y'all have Doc_Flanigan to blame for my presence. lol

Picard or Kirk? - You misspelled Rebellion or Empire?

Look forward to seeing y'all in the 'verse!


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Wait you've introduced yourself before you've even been accepted? This is the opposite to the other 19000 members.

Not sure if we should let you in, you're clearly far to above average for us!! :S
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