New member: ColonelWolf


Oct 5, 2019
RSI Handle
Oh, something else that just came to my mind:

I always like to pretend I‘m quite the semi-native, having spent some time in the U.S. and all... If my English at times doesn’t hit the spot or has ambiguous meaning or an underlying current that ticks you, do not hesitate to PM me and make me aware! I like to tease at times, so it may be intentional in some cases, life would be boring without it, but I NEVER want to hurt or overstep the boundaries of good taste or privacy!

Thanks, and see you in the ’verse!


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Oh, something else that just came to my mind:

I always like to pretend I‘m quite the semi-native, having spent some time in the U.S. and all... If my English at times doesn’t hit the spot or has ambiguous meaning or an underlying current that ticks you, do not hesitate to PM me and make me aware! I like to tease at times, so it may be intentional in some cases, life would be boring without it, but I NEVER want to hurt or overstep the boundaries of good taste or privacy!

Thanks, and see you in the ’verse!
Simple solution (considering this is TEST), if someone is offended ask them how many beers they've had:
If it is a high number then tell them they misunderstood you due to how many beers they've had.
If it is a low number then tell them they misunderstood you due to how few beers they've had and suggest a tasty beverage of your choice they should try in the future.
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